Chapter 15

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Bella's POV..
The sun was hitting me straight in the ye causing for me to wake up. I don't know what happened or where we are but I sure as hell know that I'm not suppose o be here. I look over and see Elena saying on the same couch as I am. I look around but no one is here, it looks like an abandoned house but all of the windows are boarded up. I hiss as a stand up from a major headache, As I tough my head I notice blood on my figures. I examine my head more and realize that I have a cut on my right eyebrow. I look at Elena once more and she has one on her cheek.What the hell? Where is Damon? How long have been out? Who took us? All of these questions began racing through my head. I heard footsteps and people's voices coming towards the room where we were. I quickly aid back down and pretended to be asleep.
" Did you talk to him," a male voice said.
" Yes, he-is on this way. You know how important this is to him." A female said. Who are they talking about?
" DO you think he will let us go?''
" I don't know, Trevor, but lets just hope he does."
" When will he be here?''
"Soon." I felt footsteps come near me
" I know you are awake." I heard here whisper in my ear. I couldn't' stop my natural reactions to jump. I opened my eyes and stared at her. She had brown hair and a pixie haircut.
" Who are you?'' I asked
" Doesn't matter to you. Wake up your little friend before I do."
I immediately started shaking Elena to wake up. She stirred and moaned. A little as she rose from her laying position. She looked around and her facial expression changed to immediate fear once she focused on the two strangers that had us captive.
" Who are you ?" She asked.
" Stop asking so many questions both of you.
" Please, don't hurt us We promise we won't say who you are. Just please let us go."
" Do you think i'm stupid. You are the last chance we have of freedom.''
" what do you mean? We can help you. Just please let us go.''
"NO!" She yelled, letting her fangs come out as she got close to Elena's face. I didn't flinch but Elena sure did.
" Can you least tell us why we are her?'' I asked. She turned to look at me.
" The originals are looking for the doppleganger."
" Th Originals?'' I asked. Elena was still next to me shaking from fear.
" Yes. You don't now about them. This is surprising considering you guys are surrounded by Mystic falls and Salvatore brothers. But yes the originals.
" I don't get it though. Who are they and who is the doppleganger."
" They are the oldest vampire ever created. The fist of our kind and very powerful.Th doppleganger is need to break the hybrid cure that was bestowed upon one of the brothers, half vampire half wolf."
" I still don't get is. Which one of us is the doppleganger?''
She smirked and looked at Elena. " Her."
I scooted a little so I was in front of Elena. This made her smirk even more. She looked at me.
" But you my darling are more valuable. it was a surprise when we found you two together."
My eyebrows furrowed.
"What do you mean. What do I have to do with this. She laughed .
"we'll let Elijah tell you that.''She walked away with Trevor high on her heels.. I turned to Elena.
" It's okay. I'm sure the boys are looking for us."
She nodded slowly.
" What could they want. What's going ot happen to us?'' She asked
" I don't know."
All of a sudden we heard loud bang.we both flinched.
" where is she?'' We heard a new voice say.
" They're in there."
" they?''
" Yes , you won't believe who we found with her."
" Show me."
Me and Elena stood up as the double doors opened once more. The mans eyes widened when his eyes landed on me. He vampire sped towards me. He touched my face slowly. My eyes,my cheeks, my lips..
"Elizabeth " He whispered.
" Um.. my nam is Bella."
He let go of my face and took a step towards Elena.HE examined her but didn't touch her.He turned to look the girl
" Thank you Rose for finding them and bringing them to me."
Rose nodded.
" You have no idea how long I waited for this moment,Elijah. Thank you and I am so sorry for my mistakes i the past,'' Trever said as he looked on the ground.
" No need to apologize," Elijah said as he neared him.He swung his hand and the next thing I knew, Trevors head was on the floor. Rose screamed and I let out a gasp. Elena look ready to throw up. Is you good? Rosed began tot sob as Elijah wiped is hand on his handkerchiefs
" Now, lets go."
" Elijah you said you would give us freedom!"
" Yes, I let him free. I freed him from his miserable life. Now I suggest you leave before I give oyou the same treatment."
He grabbed both of our arms. I struggled to free myself.
" Let me go!"
He turned to look t me. He took steps towards me until my back hit a wall.
" Don't Raise your voice at me,cooperate and no one gets hurt."
" Now I suggest you keep you hands to yourself, Mr. I like suits."
we both turned to greet the new intruder.
" Damon!"

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