T W E N T Y - F I V E

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IT'S BEEN A week since the sudden attack on the palace. When I awoke, Kellyn carefully filled me in on what had happened during the 18 hours I'd been out. I had to admit, the goddess indeed was very powerful and the craziest fact was she was weakening! We were left to wonder how strong she had been when she still had her powers at a hundred percent. I had that much potential and I hadn't even gotten halfway to understanding it. It was scary and exciting all together.

So the last week had been spent productively. I trained harder and my staff which had disappeared, I learnt could be summoned anytime I pleased. However, it still took a toll on my energy to sustain it for long so it automatically vanished once my energy was too low. I stuck to training with a regular staff so that when I wanted to use my customised one, it wouldn't be too hard. Cal had been unconscious since I woke up too although mother assured us he was fine.

"You know I'm waiting" Corey whined and I hissed at him. We were currently at the training room, he offered to teach me how to better control my powers. Nobody was here with us, he insisted we needed somewhere quiet for easier concentration. Although I doubted that was the only reason.

"I can't do this" I sighed tiredly. So much for working hard.

"You can. Remember what happened with Cal on the ship? You totally roasted him without even having to say a word. You just willed it"

My memories of the journey were still unclear and it was beginning to bother me that I could remember nothing about Corey. It felt like some of them had been cut away. Strange.

"I can't"

"Try connecting to it deeply. Feel it in your veins, marvel at it, accept it, love it, and call to it. Make it answer your call. Make it understand that you are it's master" he instructed. I closed my eyes and felt something stir within me.

"Control it, wield it, make it yours" Corey's voice dropped lower and I noticed at the back of my mind that he had moved behind me and his breath washed over the nape of my neck.

Roka. I decided to give it a name. Answer to my call.

Almost immediately, I felt my palms getting hot and a searing heat exploded from them. They flew out in waves. Yellow hot flames with a shade of blue within. It was magnificent. The power still coursed in my veins and I couldn't get enough of it.

Corey chuckled behind me and I turned to face him.

"There you go" he said proudly.

"Thank you so much" I smiled widely at him, even attempting to hug him but someone cleared his throat from the door. Elvi.

He sauntered over to where I stood and placed a peck on my forehead. I gritted my teeth angrily but didn't pull away from him. Corey looked away from us and began to gather his things. Before he could go out of the training room, Kellyn burst in, Cal hot on her heels accompanied my Yasmin who flew over to me and perched comfortably on my shoulder. Corey gave them a confused glance and his lips parted to question them but Calvin stepped in.

I almost swooned. He looked different, in a positive way. His chest was fuller, his eyes were a bit lighter and even his hair seemed to have a different colour tone. He didn't have the scared look that always hid behind his eyes rather, he looked determined and strong... And angry.

"What happened to you?" I croaked out

"You guys were looking for Luciana's base? I might have a lead" His voice came out stronger and an octave deeper

"How do you know? What did you see in your memories?" Corey asked stepping towards him. Calvin's face drew in a frown and he looked away angrily.

"That is for me to know and for you to mind your business. I have a lead, you guys want to hear it or not?" He said and I did a double take. Why did he sound so rude suddenly?

"Very well. Carry on" Corey didn't seem to take offence.

"Albkima. There's a portal there and I believe it'll lead to her base. I've got some personal business with Lucy and that will be my sole concentration from now"

"Albkima? Surely you don't mean the ancient land? Nobody leaves in that forgotten place and how do we even get there?" Cal asked

"I-i know a way, just leave that to me" Yasmin said timidly from my shoulder and I nuzzled her close. The rest of them nodded and Elvi dumbly nodded his head too. This spoiled Prince must not come with us.

"Who are you?" I asked Calvin. It was obvious he had changed a great deal.

"I am the rightful king of Albkima, excellent warrior and wielder of ice magic. You may call me Ryirl"

"Ryirl" I tested the name on my tongue.

"Don't change too much. I don't understand what's going on but you'll always be Alvy to me"
His eyes softened and he apologised softly before leaving the room. Whatever it was he found out about must have really hit home.

The rest of the crew filed out and I was left alone with Corey again. Surprisingly Elvi left. That donkey.

"So when are you planning to tell us?" Corey sighed crossing his arms and looking at me squarely.

"Tell what? Did I do something wrong?" I asked him

"You know what I mean. You're hiding something and I know it, I always do. Show me"

My mind flew to my staff and I gulped. Rey was too smart for his own good. I hated it sometimes. I finally gave him and summoned my staff with the energy left in me. It landed with a heavy think and electricity rippled around it. The flames looked deadlier brighter. Stronger than they once were.

Corey's eyes widened and he hesitantly walked over to it, pure wonder shone in his eyes and I couldn't help but feel proud of my magical staff.

"This is awesome" he said in awe. He made a move to touch it but just before his fingertips could make contact with my staff, the skin on his palm burned. It didn't catch up in flames but it was hot  and watering. I watched as black writings appeared along his injured arm and his eyes flashed crimson red.

After a while, he looked normal again and the burnt skin was the only proof I had that I didn't just imagine things.

"I'll get going now" he said curtly before leaving the  room briskly. I felt guilty.

I packed up my things and retreated to my room too. On my way, I heard bickering coming from the throne room and I just had to listen in. I'm an eavesdropper, yes. My reason for being one is because I use mine to forecast the weather.

"She can't know! " This was Cal

"It wasn't my fault. I forgot she has Regald around her so his power burned me. I cannot believe she hid all this from us all this while. Besides, both of you spend too much time together. One of you should at least spend sometime with her and get to know how she's coping with things. Kira is pretty much a child now" Corey bellowed and I flinched. I don't know if he was implying that I'm childish and I don't think I want to know. Kellyn and Cal murmured something and I had to strain my ears to hear.

"What if she suspects something's up? Kira isn't foolish." Kellyn said.

"She mustn't know that her memories were wiped either. We'll tell her once we're sure she's strong enough to handle it."

I gasped and backed away from the door. All this while they knew? Why wouldn't anyone tell me anything? I was tired of being protected and hidden in the dark all the time. I was so tired of everything!

My skin steamed and I jumped off the balcony, calling chirrietta to my rescue. She quickly responded and I glided in the air freely. I caught a glimpse of Yasmin among the midst of other fairies but I couldn't care less. My right eye burned and I found myself losing my focus.

I tumbled down to the ground and I could've sworn something huge like a wing painfully sprouted from my back.

I will not come now my child. When the time is right, I will come and when I do, I will destroy all darkness.

My arms and back throbbed from the fall and I felt something warm trickling down the side of my head. I stayed awake, staring at the skies and all the beautiful colours that surrounded me. I miss earth.

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