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"And the bear went growlrow! Grrrowl graaa! Puff! went the bear" she watched as her second daughter burst into cute little laughter. It was divine.

Eyes like gold sunset, hair the colour of rich chocolate and skin as pale as snow. The princess was a sight to behold. As soon as the ruckel she summoned earlier entered the throne room, sorrow covered her features.

What must be done, must be done in order to protect her children.

Pain sliced through her heart when she looked into the eyes of her daughter once again.

"Will you go to your room and get some rest? Mummy will tell you another story tomorrow" She lied through her teeth.

There will be no tomorrow.

Her golden eyes followed the tiny feet of her daughter as she ran off happily.

"Wise queen do we really have to do this?" Sieress asked humbly. Sie was one of her most trusted advisors, personal guard, and oldest friend.

"Yes. But all will be well in due time, fret not" She rasped. Even her voice sounded weak.

"You are one of the people I trust most. A powerful ruckel to look after my daughters on earth is just what I need. They are the future of these realms and protecting them should be your utmost priority"

"Aye my queen. Ye be rest assured now" Sie assured

"I will see to locking up their memories myself. I should erase them to be on a safer side but I can't. I don't want my children to forget me" she sighed sadly.

"Each year on their birthday, I will deliver a purple tulip to their doorstep. I will fill it with my pixie and each time the box is opened, it will renew the memory lock spell and all other spells I will place on them to stop the growth of their powers. They cannot remember at any cost. Lissers are everywhere these days"

"Ye oughtta be worried about de're looks. They be a spitting image of ye milady" Sie butted in.

"Yes I have considered that. I will have to get one of my witches to change their appearances for now. Their eyes are too ethereal to be earthly and I don't want the lissers to suspect them. They will look normal"

"Aye milady. As always ye have thought of everything afore hand"

"You leave tonight. Prepare! Ready all that you will need. Take some weapons along with you"

"Haven't been to earth since the good ole days" Sie smiled widely, renembering her adventures with a certain queen back in their rebellious phase.

"I still can't believe she would do this" The queen sighed "A lot is at stake here. Not just my life, the balance between the realms. The peace my sisters and I have fought so hard to establish. Everything!"

"Yet ye still chose to save the little wench's son and he lives within these walls as a royal. Yer kindness is beyond my thinking"

"He's a good boy. He was but a child! I couldn't leave him with such an arrogant and uncaring mother. Moreso, we both know his father. It's better we keep him as an ally than have him as a foe. Great potential lies within him alongside great darkness"

"Ye should be wary of him"

"No! I will bring him up as my son. He will owe his loyalty to me."

How's the day going?
I know the chapter isn't long but i just felt the need to shed more light on the happenings in the past.
So how do you love this chapter?
Stay safe!!!

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