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Forgot to add this in the information session
I'm strictly referring to the three realms ruled by Escalia. Of the three realms, earth is the easiest to transport to. Magical beings  with teleportation abilities can easily go to earth which has no magical barrier.
In some cases, a superior being can hold hands with inferior beings and transport to earth or any other place within the kingdom they reside. The three realms are ; Earth, Fae, and Alxae.
Teleportation from Alxae to Fae and vice versa is impossible because of magic barriers placed for the protection of the realms. Hence, they have to travel by sea.

Goddesses can teleport to any of the realms ruled by them. Let's not forget Kira and Kellyn are yet to unlock thier powers.


AlXAE : People from this realm/ kingdom usually have strong connection to the wind and water.
Surrounded by large water bodies and is usually very windy.

FAE : This is a realm with collective species. Fairies, trolls and ruckels. It is very connected to the earth. Surrounded but small water bodies, flowers, gardens and sorts. The most magical point in the three realms.
The sun goddess makes home in the most sacred part of the Fae kingdom which pulses with life and strong magic.

King Corey - Alxae kingdom
King Jacob-  Snow Kingdom (from one of ths realms ruled by another goddess)
King Charles - Fae kingdom

Phew! That's it for now. Here's the chapter


COREY HAS BEEN avoiding me like a plague ever since what went down between us two days ago. As he speculated, the powerful surge I felt within me then has receeded into it's lock. The past two days have been hectic. We had to be on deck by 6am sharp to learn some physical combat skills from Cal and the giant whose name I learnt was Oley.

Calvin has been really preoccupied too. Learning new spells and taking on more advanced fighting skills from Kadja. Unfortunately, Calvin and I haven't been conversing as well as we used to. Something about me remembering some events in the past pissed him off.

"It's not working. You're thinking of the events that have been happening. I can still read you like a book" Kellyn groaned tiredly. She currently stood in front of me dressed in a white blouse, black jeans and black leather boots.

Really rocking the badass look here.

"Focus Kira! Block your thoughts, guard them like reasure" Cal sounded pissed

"It's not that easy okay! Imagining a wall doesn't do it. I've tried that countless times and  Kellyn can still read my thoughts effectively. I tried, I'm tired"

"No lass. You have to keep trying. You're a godddess and like your mom, you should be persistent" Cal chided with a frown on his face.

"I said I'm fucking tired okay! Can everyone stop telling me what to do and what not to do? You all expect something from me, you probably have expectations I'll never measure up to. You just need me to save your sorry asses from Luciana. I want to live my life with my choices not what I'm obligated to do for some bunch of people. I wish you had just left me on earth, at least it's much better than this place" I yelled angrily.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt myself get consumed by anger. My feet left the ground as I hauled a ball of fire towards Cal. He skilfully dodged and it landed into the ocean but before he could regain his stance, I strangled him effortlessly.

"Kira! Stop it you're hurting him" Kellyn hissed at me angrily. I didn't spare her a glance anyway, I tightened my grip on his neck and lifted him up from the ground.

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