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I COULD HEAR Calvin cursing harshly as he gently carried me in his arms. I winced when his arm brushed against the arrow that was still buried in my flesh.

"It hurts" I rasped in a croaky voice. "It hurts so bad"

I heard an explosion somewhere to the right and felt Calvin tremble.

"Oh fuck! The situation seems very serious. The trolls keep trooping in and it seems they want to capture King Charles. Corey is set on getting the information Charles has but I don't think we can win this. Most of our warriors are still yet to recover from the last battle we fought and then there's kira" Cal rushed in a breath. I couldn't see what was going on around me but it did sound pretty serious.

"Get the fucking arrow out of her-"

"Nobody's touching that arrow" Corey's authoritative voice cut off my sister's panic idea. "We have to leave now. There's no time for us to waste. I suspect they are after Charles but that doesn't mean they wouldn't capture you two if they get the chance to. They are too much to fight right now but six of my best warriors will hold them off while we pack the things we need" His voice was hard and determined.

"Are we running away? What of our people?"

"I am a king. I do not run away from challenges but even a blind man will see that we are at a disadvantage here. They are the utmost priority right now. Jacob has called for back up and soon, over a hundred of his best warriors will storm into the castle and finish off the rest of the trolls. I have ordered Belwinski to ready the ship for us. Pack all that you're going to need, Calvin will lead you to the ship. Do not come out of the ship once you get to it. I have a certain traitor to recapture"

Calvin went into action almost immediately, I could hear Kellyn's footsteps not to far behind. That was the last thing I heard before slipping into blackness.

"Gather some clothes, shoes, cloaks and every other important item while I'll go get some of my spell books. I'll meet you back here" Calvin ordered Kellyn as soon as they got to the room she and her twin sister shared.

Kellyn's eyes moved from side to side and her form shook with fear. Judging by what she just witnessed in the ball room, it was safe to assume she was terrified.

"Don't worry. I cast a protection spell on this wing of the castle. Just be quick" Calvin assured her and watched as she sagged against the door in relief before nodding her head. It was a lie of course but Calvin knew that the witches just outside the hall won't let any troll into this wing. They were more experienced and many of them knew some dark magic spells which although frowned upon, it was used for the purpose of protecting the king.

Calvin lay Kira on his bed as soon as he got into his room. His royal attire was soiled with her blood and he felt his lip twitch in disgust. She was loosing a lot of blood. He packed some of his clothes into an old blue box as well as his spell books. It would be a shame if he didn't carry those. He zipped up the box and went downstairs with Kira in his arms. As planned, he met Kellyn in front of her room door with two boxes beside her. He noticed tear stains on her cheek and she seemed fidgety.

"It'll be fine." Calvin said looking at her direction before leading her out of the hall.

"Kadja you will come with us" Calvin instructed as soon as he set his eyes on the ancient witch.

"I do not take orders from you prince. Has the king sent you?" Kadja purred her reply. She was one of the senior witches in the kingdom and the most feared in the three realms. Most times she acted weak and blind but Calvin knew better. She was sneaky and coy. Her eyes shone an unearthly purple as they moved from side to side. A seductress. With her pink full lips, high cheek bones and well pronounced curves. Nobody knew her purpose in life but legend has it that she's an ancient princess roaming the realms looking for her late husband's reincarnation. No one really knows.

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