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I quickly want to appreciate everyone who is still reading and voting on this book. Thanks for the encouragement and time. Thanks for sticking with me.
God bless you all!

WE WERE TWO weeks away from Fae. If I focused well, I could feel a thin magic force pulsing and very much alive like a small tendril that floated between my fingers but I couldn't quite grasp. With each slow drawl of the ship forward, my anticipation spiralled. I couldn't wait to meet my mother and even Sieress again. I couldn't wait to see my new home. The place I would rule over someday.

Calivie was more meaty now. Its been seven days since the event that happened and with the help of Raekav he was now hale and hearty.

As Corey assured, Cal held nothing against me and I couldn't be more relieved. With how hard we trained each day, I could boldly say I had a firmer grasp on physical combat. Kadja has been very helpful too, teaching us more about our powers and lineage.

But me? I wasn't okay at all

My eyes were sharper and more observant, my ears were a bit pointed at the edges and I picked up way too many conversations than I liked even though I loved eavesdropping. My back felt uneasy and bulky as if something should sprout out but for some reason doesn't quite want to. My  cheeks were hollow and my cheek bones were high. Higher than I like to admit.

My waist felt more slender than usual and my hips appeared fuller. I didn't look like the naive human that was abducted weeks ago and I hated it with every fibre of my being. I wanted to remain the same dammit!

I walked around deck thinking of the easier times. Anything but the fast coming war. It was dark out and everyone was already in their cabins but I expertly slithered past the corridor since I couldn't sleep. Conflicting thoughts swarmed my head and I just wanted- no, needed to be at peace.

"Young one, you seem troubled" A scaly voice said from behind me and I turned back in alarm coming face to face with what I believe to be a water sprite.

It was made completely of water and looked almost transparent. From it's slender shape and firm breasts I could tell it was a lady.

"The way you're looking at me makes me feel indecent. Touch me curious one"

My cheeks burned crimson red at what she said but sure enough, I reached out my hand and touched her. To my surprise, she was water. My hand passed through her and when I brought it out, it  was wet and moist.

"Incredible huh?" She asked and I nodded.

"Why are you here?" I asked tentatively still unable to come up with anything. I blocked my mind immediately, she could be a lisser.

"I was swimming alone on the surface and I sensed your troubled mind"

"And you care because?"

"Hmm you ask so many questions ariaiya. Curious and gutsy" she said now circling me like a predator.

"Ariaiya? What is that?"

"You are so oblivious its hilarious" she smirked at me then

"What do you want?" I barked at her viscously, my lips withdrawing into a snarl.

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