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So firstly, I want to thank all my beautiful readers for reading, commenting and voting on this book but yeah I need more votes. Goal of this chapter:50 votes. Is it possible? Yeah. Nothing is impossible.
Thank you

I WOKE UP about four hours later feeling rejuvenated and well rested. I guess the broth really helps then. After stretching like a cat on the bed, and resisting to itch that tempting spot on my lap like a maniac, I turned to the other side of my bed, expecting to see Kellyn but was greeted with the sight of Corey sitting on a stool beside the bed.

Hell even the stool looked like it was worth more than our whole house in earth!
What trickery is this?

However, I was still bothered by the fact that he sat here watching me sleep for hours. Who does that?

"Were you here-"

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm a king with many responsibilities. I just happened to come in at the right time" He then looked away and I felt a twinge of disappointment.

"Calvin is almost here. We shall proceed immediately. Your sister has also asked to be present is that okay with you?"

"More like you've forced yourself to be present and I don't think I'm okay with it" I huffed

"So you're not comfortable with her coming? To think you are twins" He shook his head while sporting an amused expression. He obviously ignored what I said about him being here. There's no way in hell I'd be uncomfortable with Kellyn's presence.

The nerve of this asshole.

A soft knock on the door brought us out of our little glaring competition. Or to be precise, me glaring and him being amused. Whatever. I don't want to talk about it.

Shortly after, Calvin came in with a sobbing Kellyn trudging behind him.

Did the insults hit home this time?

Calvin walked to the other side of the bed, where I laid while Kellyn sat at the edge of the other side,beside the king. I wanted to ask her why she looked so sad but my brain literally stopped working when I felt my top get pulled up suddenly and an audible gasp from my sister told me the bruise was now open to their assessing eyes.

So this is what insecurity feels like. This is awkward. I guess Corey wasn't kidding when he said they'll get down to it 'immediately'. Never joke with the words of a king.

"This looks pretty bad. I've never seen anything like it" Calvin said in astonishment. He was probably amazed and concerned at the same time. The only worrying thing was that I could feel his breath on my bruise due to how close his head was to my tummy. Corey's balled fists told me he didn't like it either.

Dear discomfort, we meet again.

"Just do your magic thingy already" This was Kellyn. Although the politeness in her voice told me they've probably been talking too.

Calvin nodded before bringing up his palms and placing them over the bruise. Tingles danced on the skin there and I've gotta say, this boy,or man, has got some really smooth fingers. Must be all that princy thing he does. I wonder how smooth Corey's would feel.

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