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Raekav stone

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Raekav stone

MY EYES SNAPPED open forcefully. The vision I just had now was in no way settling. It was scary and toe curling. In every way possible, this was a warning of what was to come. The war that would decide the fate of the three realms under my mother's control. If the enemy should win this battle against my mom, the other goddesses would step in to defeat this Luciana and whoever could defeat her would take the three realms under her control thereby taking away the title of 'goddess' from my mom. This would also rip some of her powers away.

Moreover, I saw into some of my locked memories. To some extent, I felt angry and betrayed.

"A powerful aura is suddenly emanating from you. Have you awoken already?" A soft voice asked from beside me.

I shifted my gaze to her and noticed her palms hovered atop the underside of my left breast while she looked straight ahead. On closer inspection, I came to the realisation that she was blind.

"Where is Corey?" I asked sitting up

"Well that is no way to greet someone and I haven't even gotten to the thanking part yet. Do you not remember what happened?" The blind girl queried sounding a tad bit annoyed.

Memories of what happened earlier came rushing back to me and I reeled back in shock. The kingdom was under attack and I remember Corey saying something about a ship and...the arrow! My hands flew to where the arrow was shot and came in contact with smooth unbroken skin.

How is this possible? I remember bleeding from this spot.

"You seem confused lass. Have you finally remembered all? I healed your gaping wound in case you were wondering. I'm a healer and I can also sense emotions. The name is Raekav" She spoke in a strange accent.

"Thank you very much Raekav" I told her before taking my time to look around the decent sized cabin. White sheets covered the bed and the wooden floor looked clean enough. At one side of the room was a small wardrobe while a small bedside table stood proudly beside the bed. Atop it were some balms, creams, washsoaps and clean towels.

"Now don't think I did that all for nothing. I could have killed you easily while I was healing you and the prince wouldn't do anything but lock me up in the dungeons. He can't kill me you see, we are bound" She pulled my attention to herself once again. Her unseeing eyes shone mischievously as she looked in my direction.

Hot fire sparked within me as I heard what she said about she and Corey sharing a bond. With much effort, I concluded it was none of my business. For now, I would pass across what I saw in my vision.

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