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I WOKE UP on the bed, my sister sound asleep beside me. From the looks of it, it was probably the early hours of the morning, marking the second day of my stay here. I sighed tiredly as I sat up, remembering the occurrence that made me faint yesterday.

Something else seemed to be bothering me though and it didn't seem like I could go to sleep again so I decided to take a walk. I opened the door and turned right, walking down the corridor in the same direction we did when Cal took us to the king's office. From what i gathered yesterday, we seemed to be on the west wing and this wasn't even the highest floor!. Although looking down from here, the smaller buildings seemed like ants and I wondered what the kingdom looked like.

The castle was very packed with according to Cal, the king's advisors, the council members, witches that protect the kingdom, the royal maids and guards. It was obvious that the king treated his subjects, even those that seemed insignificant with respect. The maids and guards were given their own quaters on the first floor while the more dignified people were found on the higher floors according to the position or rank.

Cal also mentioned that the citizens don't have to pay for medical services such as childbirth, and treatments as long as they came to the palace. The king himself paid the doctor in the palace for all treatments and the citizens are allowed to go home after recovery without paying a dime. This is because according to Corey 'No one choses to fall Ill or have health complications'.

I asked Cal about these things during our walk back to the room and he was all too eager ( at all) to answer while my sister pretended to be interested in the beautiful patterns on the wall, huffing and puffing in anger every ten seconds.

Eventually, my curiosity got the best of me and when I saw a staircase midway along the corridor, I decided to go up and see what laid there. I was yet to hear a thing about Corey's family and it was starting to put me on edge. Barely two steps into my climbing journey, a dark cloaked figure appeared in front of me. It was tall, i noticed.

Finally summoning the courage to look up, I met with piercing green eyes eyeing me curiously. A mop of blonde hair lay on her head.

"So you're her" The voice said in astonishment and if i wasn't mistaken, a little bit of joy.

And oh! Its a boy

"I'm who?" I asked in an uncertain voice still trying to convince my brain that the beautiful person in front of me is actually a boy. He looked a few years older than my age but graceful all the same.

"I know you." He said with fierce determination." Don't you remember me? We used to go camping together with Kellyn and rose. Remember when we visited the fairy kingdom?" He sounded desperate now

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I just came from earth where I was living a perfectly normal life before I was thrust into this realm. I didn't even get to receive my six months accumulated salary!" For some reason i felt like weeping now. I had great plans with that money. I planned to renovate the whole house and buy new clothes for myself.

At this, the weird handsome dude smiled slightly. It was a sad smile though and I couldn't tell why.

"You haven't changed much kira"

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