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To all my readers, thank you so much for the votes and follows. Your comments are also appreciated.
Credits given to @fortnemitch2003 for my book cover!!. I would also like to appreciate @LeanaKryger  for your awesome corrections and encouraging comments. They really mean a lot to me.
@triumphant _simy thank you too!!!


THREE WHOLE DAYS have passed since my encounter with Corey. I haven't seen nor heard from him but Calvin often came by whenever he was free. I haven't stepped out of the room since that night either , staying busy with history books and more history books about the realms and their rulers.

So far, all I had to do was yank on a twisted rope beside my bed whenever I was hungry or thirsty and food, wine and water will be brought up immediately. Though my appetite hasn't been the best these days. I have these bags under my eyes and my temperature has been increasing steadily. Sometimes, the maids had to bring me food without me having to yank on the stupid rope, telling me politely how thin I look and how badly I needed to eat.

Kellyn hasn't exactly been around either. She's always up and about and so busy these days, she barely even noticed my condition. Most times, she was out before I woke up and came back after I'd already fallen asleep. Although she told me of her desire to learn horse riding, I suspect she and Cal have this tough love thing going on. In the sense that, she enjoys his company but most of their time together is spent throwing insults at each other.

I really don't get it at all.

Is romance meant to be that complicated or did they get it wrong completely? I don't think I'll ever have an answer to this.

I also noticed that my mood swings didn't affect the weather here too. Alvy explained this was because this kingdom was full of magic and as such, minor unintended mood swings cannot affect the weather unless of course I master my powers to their fullest capacity.

Kellyn has also been unable to read minds effectively to which she has been greatly displeased about. This is because, they are trained on how to block their minds from mind readers to protect the plans and secrets of their kingdoms from prying enemies.

A soft knock brought me out of my reverie and I quickly sat up, adjusting my wool off-shoulder top and tucking my barely covered legs under the bed spread. I mouthed a 'Come in' with my weak voice and waited patiently.

In sauntered the one and only Calvin Adams with a displeased scowl covering his beautiful features.

"Hey I thought you said you wouldn't be free today" I said in a happy voice, genuinely happy to see him.

"Well its three days to our annual ceremony and I decided to take a break. I am still a Prince you know?" I giggled at this but all of a sudden, his expression went back to a scowl.

"Look i know I pretended not to notice at first but I just decided to make a quick stop at the kitchen on my way here and I have been informed you haven't been eating well. You don't look so good either. Do you want to see the doctor?"

"Um no. No doctors please. I'm generally not much of a food lover. I'm perfectly fine" I lied through my teeth, afraid to have the doctor examine me.

"We both know you're not. You look tired and malnourished."

"I know. I'll get better alvy. You don't have to worry about me"

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