Chapter 17

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Part 2

"Sono Kokoro"

(That heart)

3rd Person POV:

The two sat in both end of the table, facing each other. All was well place and in order.

The table was neatly designed, from the pure white table clothing and the Lavender-scented candle was soothing, making the atmosphere between them more romantic.

The perfectly cooked steak was there too, with two serving cups of gravy for the both of them. There was also a bottle of expensive champagne on the table.

Y/n gulped at the sight, she thought that the total expenses for this dinner date was much more expensive than her monthly rental payments.

This made Y/n more nervous to what this dinner date with her senpai is about.

Speaking of senpai, Sana was definitely having a hard time mustering her strength as her mind was failing her. She can't think straight since her mind was clouded with many negative thoughts.

Too many 'what ifs' flood her mind like a storm.

She was so deep in thoughts that she spaced out from reality, until Y/n called her attention, snapping her back from reality.


"H-huh?" Sana blinked as she was mentally slapping herself for spacing out.

"You want steak?" Y/n asked again and Sana just barely nod her head.

Y/n carefully placed the steak at Sana's plate and then drizzle it a bit with gravy.

"Arigatou" was all Sana could say after Y/n served her with steak, hoping that the floor would just eat her up for being such an awkward person.

After all, Sana was inexperienced, she never had gone to any dates before and this was definitely her first time.

Sure, she and Dahyun had gone to a date before in their highschool days, but it was only a friendly date, not exactly as serious as this one before her, and also the girl she's about to confess with.

Sweat started to form at her hands, and her heart was racing fast, she couldn't form words at her mind. She doesn't know what to say, where to start and even how to start an indulging conversation.

'This was a bad idea after all' She thought

Y/n, on the other hand, was enjoying her steak, until she noticed the other girl just poking her steak with the fork.

Y/n decided to ask "Everything alright senpai?" but Sana was too much occupied in her thoughts to hear Y/n.

Y/n just shrugged it off as she reached for the bottle of champagne "Ms. Sana, champagne? she asked once again but still, to no avail, only silence and the repeated sound of fork poking the plate was heard.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders and decided to have champagne on her own.

She looked for a cork-opener but she remembered she doesn't have one since she doesn't have the capacity to buy herself some expensive liquor.

She tried to do it the traditional way of using the thumb. It was hard to pop open at first as she was using all her strength to her thumb while biting her lip, until it finally popped opened with a popping sound and the white foam from the liquor overflowed to Y/n's hand.

Swing (J-line X Fem-reader) 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora