Chapter 13

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"Sore dake de kyou mo ganbaresou"

(I feel like I can do my best today just because of that)

Y/n's POV:

A week has past since that day and today is the day where I'm gonna retake my math exam privately with Ms. Kim today.

I hope that all of Sensei's hard work and I would pay off. Countless sleepless nights with her has been a ride through hell and back. I never really thought studying would be this hard.

Uhh... more like "stu-dying"

I also get to know Ms. Sana better throughout the week, I just found out that she's just so clingy and just needs attention. Like a LOT of attention.

Its just like babysitting a harmless baby snake...

...but don't get me wrong, she can be merciless sanaconda in just mere seconds

I took a deep breath as I look at the door in front of me, debating to myself whether I knock or not.

"You can do it Y/n" I look behind me to see Mina giving me warmest smile she can give.

"Y/n, fighting!" Momo cheered as she punch the air with her fist.

This might seem crazy to hear or even to believe but the three of us are together now. I know right??


I couldn't even believe too myself.

After that day, the three of us has come to an agreement; the two of them to love me equally ,and also me to them, loving the both of them equally, nothing more, nothing less.

I know this is kind of absurd but if I were being totally honest, I love the both of them as my heart can give, there's no lie in that.

A 100% for a 100%.

The thought alone gives me a warm feeling 'Sore dake de, kyou mo ganbareso'

I smiled at both of them "Arigtou Mina-chan, Momo-chan, I'll do my best"

I looked back at Ms. Kim's door and knock.

"Come in" Ms. Kim's voice was heard from the other side.

Well... here goes nothing

I twist the knob and headed inside, and I was greeted by Ms. Kim herself together with senpai.

From there, I saw a single tablet-armed chair positioned in the middle of the room, to which I knew was intended for me.

Sensei gave me a smile as she stand next to Ms. Kim

"Oh Y/n, you came a bit earlier. Let me guess, nervous?" I couldn't deny it since that is what I've been feeling since I came in.

Everything inside this room feels so uncomfortable that it makes me hard to breath a little.

Am I, perhaps freaking out?!

Ms Kim chuckled as she noticed my expression "I bet you are, please take a seat" she gestured to the single chair in the middle of the room, facing her.

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