Chapter 5

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(Get closer)

Y/n's POV:

I changed my wet clothes into something comfortable. Few seconds later, a knock came into my door.

"Y/n?" Ms. Sana called from the other side "dinner's not gonna cook itself you know?" Shit... I just forgot to cook our dinner, its already 7 in the evening

"Coming!" I went to the door but suddenly stop as I remembered what happened in my dreams.

This ain't déjà vu right?

There's no way that's gonna happen, I slightly poke my cheeks

It was just a dream Y/n, a weird dream

I let out a breath and turned the knob.

I witnessed Ms. Sana watching some movies in the living room, I tiptoed behind and walk straight to the kitchen.

I opened the kitchen cabinet and saw only two cupped noodles.


I set the noodles down and put a pot in the stove. I opened my mini fridge only to see a piece of beef and leftover shrimps.

I gulped...

I peek back to the living room and I still saw Ms. Sana in the living room, watching "Sex Education" in Netflix

I gulp harder this time

At least she's still there...

I went back to the kitchen and continue mincing the beef.

After I'm done mincing the meat, I put both ingredients on the noodles and grab a ladle, making sure that the ingredients are mixed properly.

As I was moving the ladle in a clockwise motion, I could feel someone's presence behind me.

With a shadow coming from behind, I quickly yelp and held the ladle near my face "please don't do it! I'm still a virgin!" 

Ms. Sana looked at me with a puzzled look, both eyebrows up "eh?"

I didn't move, still holding the ladle near me, closing my eyes shut

"Aishh... this kid... you think I'm gonna do something to you? I was just gonna grab some water since I'm thirsty" Ms. Sana said grabbing a water bottle and head back to the living room, leaving me frozen and embarrassed.

I blinked my eyes and I let out the air I was holding and continued cooking like nothing happen.

After I'm done cooking, I set two bowls of noodles with minced beef and a shrimp on top.

I handed one to Ms. Sana and a pair of chopstick.

"Arigatou~" she said and started slurping to the noodles, still watching the movie.

I cleared my throat "Gomen nasai" I said in Japanese and she stop watching and averted her eyes to me.

I blushed at her stare, I can't even look straight to her eyes.

"What for?" She ask

"Earlier, at the kitchen" I said sheepishly, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh that... why is that so?" She asked a bit serious

I can't tell her the real reason behind it, especially with her knowing that she was somehow a bit part of it in a dream would sound stupid and ridiculous. That would be really shameful

I set my bowl down to the center table and rub my nape, a bit unsure what to say.

Then what makes my heart beat faster is when she moves a bit closer to me, she held her free hand towards my face and I shut my eyes again, waiting for the contact, but instead her thumb wipe something off my lips.

I slowly opened my eyes

"You got a bit of meat there" she said pointing to my lips and I slightly blush at her contact.

"Finished your food, we are still gonna study later" she said and resumed eating, watching back at the movie.

After we finished eating, I washed the dishes and she turned off the TV. She then brought her stuffs out to the table, large and thick textbooks are all piled up and I whined "is that really necessary?" I pointed at the books

"Do you want to passed the exam or not?" She said, leaving me no choice but to nod in acceptance. "We didn't even started yet and your already complaining" she said like a boss and to be honest, it kinda turned me on slight~


I gulp and seat beside her

I grab a pen and a notebook and started writing down notes in what she's saying as I listened intently.

Her phone suddenly rings with Ms. Kim's caller ID in it, she picks it up and leaves as she answer it, after a few minutes, she came back and started our tutor lessons

3rd Person POV:

"...lastly, you should use 'Probability Distribution' to list down all possible values of the random variable and its corresponding probability for each value. Got it?" Sana ask as Y/n just stared at her blankly, not answering

Ms. Sana let out a heavy sigh "this is gonna be harder than I thought" she mumbled and Y/n clearly heard her "right, now lets go back to the top" Y/n groaned out

As Sana was explaining once again all to Y/n, she heard the latter snore, her head hanging low.

Sana checked the time on her phone and it was 1am in the morning.

"I can't believe time flies so fast" Sana thought

She can't blame Y/n though, they've been studying for hours now and it was evident that she exhaust Y/n so much, mentally.

Sana felt something bump her shoulders and Y/n was now sleeping soundly in her shoulders.

Sana froze by the sudden contact.

She took time to look at Y/n's angelic face, she tuck a strand of Y/n's hair behind her ears and she saw clearly how beautiful Y/n is.

Her perfect pointed nose, cute eyelids, chubby cheeks and her rosy pink lips that smells with a hint of strawberry.

Sana bit her lip 'no Sana, don't'

She debated with herself whether she will kiss her or not, Sana thought about what Dahyun said to her earlier in the phone, she is obviously, no doubt taking advantage of Y/n, she knew better.

With a sigh, she carried the sleeping snorlax in bridal style and head to her bedroom.

As Sana lays her down the bed, Y/n unconsciously wraps her arms around Sana's neck.

Sana tried to pry the girl's arm off but Y/n just hugged her tighter

"Chikazuite" Y/n unconsciously said in a sleepy voice and Sana was left no choice but to sleep in the latter's bed as Y/n cuddles deeper into Sana's neck.

Jaljayo :)

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