Chapter 34

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Y/n's POV:

"Mom, please stop crying" I pleaded for the nth time since mom won't stop crying "You're ruining my makeup!" I groaned out as the makeup artist finishes my eyelashes carefully.

"I... I just can't believe my baby is getting married" Mom cried even more.

I huffed out a breath, just in time as the artist finished.

I stood up, carefully lifting the side of my white wedding gown as I went to my mother, easing her cries of joy.

"Mom..." was all I could say and I just hugged her tightly and lovingly. She returned the gesture.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be acting like this on your very special day. I hope you understand Y/n, I get so emotional easily. It feels nostalgic about the day me and your dad got married." she caressed my head

I smiled warmly, imagining what its like to be in my mother's shoe way back when she had her wedding day with dad.

Unfortunately, I wasn't born at that time since they didn't have the night of endless pleasure.

Uhh... you know... the uhm.. the baby making process~...

Now that I think about it, today really is my wedding day, and I'm still processing things that are still happening. You can say that I'm still in a state of shock of everything.

Its been a week since the three decided to do 'Romeo and Juliet' prank on me, and then just out of nowhere, boom! Three idiots kneeling, a box, a ring, and a long dumbass but straight shot-through the heart melting marriage proposal.

I kinda feel betrayed when I knew my parents were also the ones who were a part of this, I never really knew they would really go this far behind my back for this.

I mean, they're ACTING is so fuckin' good that I never even suspected a thing!

(Or maybe I'm just slow af...)

As for the three... well... I'm wearing the wedding dress right now, so its kind of obvious.

"I'm sorry, you should be prepping up, I should be with your father" Mom said before kissing me in the forehead and left together with the other bride's maid.

The gay make-up artist turned to me "We need to finish your make-up dear" I huffed out a breath before returning to my seat in front of the big mirror.

Momo's POV:

"Remind me why are we wearing trousers and tux again?" I asked, fixing my necktie in front of the mirror.

"Cuz we're the 'Groom'? Or shall I say, a 'Butch'?" Sana said, wearing her matte black suit.

"It kinda feels weird wearing one. Like I'm a different person" I adjusted the belt of my pants.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon" Mina reassured

"Yeah, as soon as Father will say 'you may now kiss the bride' " Sana dreamily said and something struck my mind.

"Wait, so whose gonna kiss her first?" The two look at me questioningly, while I stare back at them confusingly.

3rd Person POV:

Swing (J-line X Fem-reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now