Background info

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This is my first Book/story, so sorry if its not the best.

Ok y'all need some background info now -

world rules(?) -

Every century the CHs are 'refreshed' mentally and physically back to the age of 16,

Except when its their first century of being a country. When its their first century they start off as babies and then grow up into adults, but when they get to their second century of being alive, that's when they start back at 16.

Why 16?

That's because, its the youngest age a country has gotten independence and still be 'functional' (that country was America :b because ✨lore✨).

They all age at different times, and that's how they're all able to be diffeent ages.

They can't physically age past 35-40 but they can mentally age past that. Which brings up the point. can they die?

Yes, but only if their killed. And even then, their a little harder to kill than regular people.

(There are 'people' per se but they treat the countryhumans like they're just people, CHs can (sometimes) tell the difference from a CH and a regular person but people can't.)

When a country gets 'refreshed' they will remember big events that happened in their history,

But if there's a strong enough personal event that happened in their past then they can remember it (examples: relationships, loved ones death, learning how to play an instrument). So, America remembers the revolutionary war, Canada remembers The war of 1812, Ukraine remembers Chernobyl, etc. etc. Also some events, that they don't inherently remember can come back as dreams/nightmares/night terrors.

They do go to schools, but since they just have to relearn everything because of 'refreshing' they only have to go to school for 2 years, but it really depends on how much you remember and if its their first century being a country. If its their first century then they have to say for 4-6 years.

Not going to make this 100% historically/politically accurate (obviously). I feel like if it was then most of them would be insane so 👉😎👉

Besides, this story is supposed to be fun for me to write and for y'all to read, so I might make some places up just for convineance.

(Hopefully some of this makes sense :])

(Main) Character relationships -

In the English/French family

Britain and France are Canada's, New Zealand 's, and Australia's biological parents.

America was adopted into their family in 1607, and Mexico is their cousin (Spain is Mexico's dad and France's brother in this AU).

All of the siblings (+cousin) are very close with each other, but all of them are not the closest to their parents.


3 dogs (Australian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog, Chihuahua, names: Coco, Bear/oso, El Chapo)

2 cats (Ragdoll cat, Abyssinian cat, names: Mocha, Pretzel)

✨🌾Cane Shuga🌾✨ [Countryhumans Rusame & Ukranada]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora