Chapter seven

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~couple days later~

You were sitting quietly as Raiden was talking to the elder gods, technically they were talking about you and your powers of holding two.

"She needs to get rid of one of her powers!".

"What if she destroys earthrealm!".

"She's way to powerful to hold these two, especially for her size!"

"Surprised she isn't dead yet!".

You had enough with them, you stood up and walked over to the portal that lead you back to your family.

But as soon as you went through, you noticed you weren't back at home, you were in kronika's keep.

"Why am I here?!" You looked up at kronika.

"I heard the Elder gods are discussing things about your powers" she said.

"Yea..." you said as you sat down "I want them gone but I also don't" you looked down at your hands.

"Tell me why?" He asked as she was at her hourglass.

"I want them gone so I can live a normal life...." your hands started to ice and shower up "but I don't cause it's what's left of my father".

Kronika turned to you "let's make a deal!".

You looked up at her "what kind?".

Victim of an hourglass book 2 (Erron x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now