Chapter three

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You were sitting in front of the hourglass, just watching you take over outworld like it's nothing.

Kronika looked at you as you just kept replaying it.

"The darkness takes over..." you said softly, you turned to Kronika "is that what would happen?!".

"Yes" she looked at you.

You stood up and walked over to the hourglass.

"Touch it" she said "it will reveal everything from different lives..".

You slowly reached but pulled your hand back "will it show me my father?".

"Yes" she looked down at you.

You closed your eyes before touching the hourglass, after a bit you opened your eyes to see you were back in Earthrealm, you smiled as kids ran through you.

You quickly turned and followed them to a village, you looked at the people who was smiling and enjoying themselves.


You looked to the right to see a man picking up his son, you smiled and followed him.

"How's yo ur mother doing?" He asked his son.

"Mother is doing fine".

You tilted your head as you listen to the conversation, you soon got to a little hut which a lady came out and hugged her husband.

"Bi-Han!" She said as she smiled.

"My dear" he smiled as he held her close to him.

"Your daughter is waiting for you" she smiled.

You followed the little family into the hut, you saw the wife pick up her daughter "she doesn't have a name yet" she looked at Bi-Han "I was waiting for you to name her".

Bi-Han looked down at his daughter "how about we name her after your mother" he looked at his wife "(y/n)".

You slowly lost your smile, next thing you knew, the hut went up in flames, you watched as everything was burning.

You soon saw your father holding you close as he watched the flames, he looked down at you to see you were crying.

He held you close as he went to his brother's place.

"Bi-Han!" Subzero said, he watch as his brother was changing.

"P-please ...." he held you out for Subzero "n-never .... m-... mention me".

SubZero took you into his arms as Bi-han softly reaches for you only for his powers to transfer to you, he quickly pulled his hand back.

Bi-Han closed his eyes before turning away and disappearing into the dark.

Subzero looked down at you to see you sleeping quietly "I know a place.... a safe place for you to be" he said.

You watched as he got dressed; you followed him through the portal which lead to outworld.

"This guy is an friend... your soon to be father" he looked down at you, he smiled "I'm sorry you'll never meet your mother or father" He watch as you slowly wake up. "You look so much like your mother", you smiled big which made a little white cloud of ice.

You watched as Subzero knocked on the doors, Kotal answered.

"Grandmaster Subzero".

"I have a favour".

You watched as Kotal took you in his arms, you soon felt Kronika hand on your shoulder which made you close your eyes.

"There's more" she said.

You opened your eyes to see Bi-Han watching you grow up.

"He's been around me all these years...." you watched as 5 year old you were running around till you stopped.

You saw him standing in front of you, he kneeled down while holding a shadow flower.

You smiled as you took it.

"I don't remember that" you tilted your head.

You walked up to him and touched his face, Bi-han was watching you as you were smiling at him "my little shadow" he said softly.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your mother call for you.

You turned while waving at him "bye bye".

Bi-Han held his hand out for you as he watched you walk away.

You pulled away from the hourglass "I need to find him!" You looked up at Kronika "is he still in outworld!?".

"No, he's in netherrealm".

"Please, I wanna go back and find him!".

"Just to let you know, he's been in Netherrealm for a long time, he might be corrupted" she said.

"I'll be careful".

That's when you closed your eyes and open while gasping, you were back at the party, you looked around around.


You looked to see Erron looking at you, you smiled and wrapped your arms around him.

"Woah girl, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing" you smiled before breaking the hug "after this let's go to Netherrealm".

"Again?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes" you smiled.

Victim of an hourglass book 2 (Erron x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now