Chapter fifteen

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You sat up fast while gasping for air, you were back in your room again, you grabbed your pillow and screamed into it.

You didn't know what to do anymore, after a while you were laying in bed just thinking about things till you felt a hand in your hip, you shifted a bit to see your husband "Erron!" You smiled.

"What's bothering you?" He asked.

You slowly sat up and grabbing his hand "nothing" you smiled "just another nightmare".

Erron's eyes shifted "you sure babe?".

"Yes" you looked at him "let's go to earthrealm".

Erron raised an eyebrow at you, technically he's been noticing you weren't yourself but he didn't want to bother you with it "whatever you say doll".

You smiled as you got out of bed and head to the bathroom to shower "you coming my love?" You asked as you turned to him which you saw him smirk and made his way to you.

~time skip a bit~

Erron watched as you were smiling and enjoying yourself, Erron was leaning against a the tractor, you were you petting a horse while talking to Jacqui about things

"Can I tell you something?" You asked softly.

"What's on your mind?" She looked at you.

You were biting your lip as you looked at the horse "I... I been having these dreams.... about a god... that's more powerful" you said. You turned to her "you know my parents?".

"Yea..." she raised an eyebrow.

"Well you must know that they love me, even tho I'm not actually their child".

"(Y/n), what's going on?" She asked.

You grabbed her hand and to a bench and sat down "that god... told me my parents didn't love me... but I know Jade loves me".

"It's just a dream" Jacqui smiled as she held your hand.

You looked at her and smiled.

~Errons Pov~

Erron was watching you.

Jax stood up while staring at Erron "you know something is wrong with her?".

"Yes sir but she won't tell me..." Erron turned towards Jax "ever since she told me about Kornika".

"Kornika!" Jax looked at him "I thought she died!?".

Erron looked back at you to see you smiling "I don't know anymore, lately I been remembering little things of her".


"Back when I was mortal, I saw her... I don't remember seeing her before"he looked back at Jax "take care of her for me, I'll be back" he said as far began walking.

"Wait!, what!" Jax watched as Erron walked off.

~back at you~

You turned to see Erron walking off which you slowly lost your smile.

"What's wrong?" Jacqui asked.

"Erron... he hasn't been himself..." you said softly before shaking your head and turning your attention back to her.

~time skip again~

You soon walked into your room and walked over to your table to take off your jewelry.

You took a deep breath as you looked at yourself which you saw your dark self, the pure white eyes, some scars, your black dress with a crown.

"Why am I seeing this?" You asked.

"Your witnessing a different universe" Cetrion said softly.

You looked back into the mirror "I'm not that, I'll never be that!" You stood up and walked to the window, you saw Erron talking to Jade which made you smile a bit.

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

"The time I saw Erron ..... never really liked anyone till he came" you touched your shoulder "I remember when he shot me, the way he touched me, Kissed me" you smiled which Certion saw "I would do anything to see him for the first time again".

Certion smiled a bit as she disappeared just before Erron opened the door.

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