Chapter fourteen

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You were staring at the palace that you grew up in, you walked in and looked around remembering everything.

"There you are sugar" you heard your husband.

You took a deep breath before smiling "My flirty cowboy" you said as you wrapped your arm around his.

Erron smiled behind his mask "so Sub-zero is here".

"Why?" You asked as you and him began walking to the training room.

"He wants to see how your training is".

"Again?" You groaned.

Erron looked at you as held onto him "what's wrong?" He asked.

You looked up at him "oh nothing!".

~Time skip~

You were breathing heavily as sub-zero dodged your attacks over and over again.

"AHH!!" You yelled as your axe shattered again before falling to your knees.

"Have you been practicing?" Sub-zero said as he stood up straight.

"...." you didn't say anything as you calm down "not with my ice powers Grandmaster".

Sub-zero looked down at you "you been using your shadow powers more?".

You stood up while looking at him, you pulled your Sickle from your chest "my shadow powers are stronger".

Sub-zero watched as your eyes turned white, your hand that is holding your weapon is turning dark, your nails growing.

He saw his brother in you.

"You always mimicked me. But you make a poor Grandmaster".

Sub-zero tilted his head to the side "princess?" He said which you swung your sickle at him. He managed to dodge it.

You teleport which sub-zero took a step back and looked around. Sub-zero took a deep breath "princess?".

Sub-zero felt a hand wrapped around his throat which he quickly turned to not see anyone.


"Princess!" He watched as the room slowly get dark.

That's when he turned to see you slowly crawling out of the floor "I wore those colors before you...".

That's when sub-zero saw a shadow following your moves.

"Bi-Han?" He said softly.

"Hello brother...." you said.

"Why are you controlling her?".

"She's easy to control.... weak" Noob said as he moved, you moved the same way "my daughter" he said as Sub-zero watch as you grabbed your throat, your nails digging into your "my little shadow all grown up".

"Bi-Han stop it!, don't put her in between us".

"You. You are not worthy of the name Sub-Zero!".

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