sequel, etc.

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and, that's concealing.

okay, before christian allayna alex and anyone else reading comes to my house in their best riot wear, let me state a few things.

this is the official last chapter of concealing. i fully intend to later expand this into a full book, not fanfiction. that won't go on wattpad per-say, but i'm still undecided.

what is decided is that this story is not yet over. in march, i'll be publishing the sequel, unleashing. my goal is to publish it the 18th of march and have enough chapters already pre-written to keep on a steady updating schedule. that is currently on my profile, ready for you to add to your library in preparation if you so please.

if you have any questions regarding this story, the sequel, or any questions whatsoever, leave them in the comments, my twitter (accessible through my profile as well) or contact me personally. if i get enough i might do a q&a, who knows.

until march, thank you all so much for reading. xx

~kyra :D

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