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kris didn't talk much after that.

although it wasn't as if she'd been very chatty before.

the pit in her stomach only grew. on the way to town, they passed the lake again. everywhere she could look she did so, but she couldn't find any sign of their surviving. jacob seemed relatively unaffected by the incident, and probably was. he'd never thought hurting, or, at this point, maybe killing, as a very serious issue. it terrified her, now more than before.

eventually, back in the city again, kris calmed herself down. 'they're fine,' she told herself, 'everyone is going to be pissed beyond belief, but we'll make it work and they'll be okay '. the anxiety level in her continued to fluctuate, but never rising to panic levels. as long as she could keep herself calm, things would work themselves out.

several minutes later, the car slowed to a stop. kris uncertainly clenched the door handle. her nerves began to get the better of her. she didn't know what the plan was anymore, or if this whole thing had been planned since the beginning.

jacob glanced at her and grinned in light-hearted amusement. "loosen up, we're almost done here. i just need to finish some unfinished business."

with that, he left the car, and left kris inside. that gave her some sense of isolated comfort, but she wondered what there was left for him to do.


jacob could move very quickly when he wanted to.

nothing like super speed- of course he wasn't that lucky- but in a matter of three minutes he'd crossed through four neighbourhoods by jumping the fences. he kept track of every second; if something here went awry, he'd need to book it back.

he hadn't planned on being tailed, and that had killed more time than they had had available. it was a serious time crunch, and they could miss their golden time slot. if he hurried, though, they could slide through just in time.

there was a weight on his side, and he pushed the side of his pea-coat aside.

getting the gun had been a piece of complex business. he'd handed the job over to eli and joseph some time ago. thus far, it'd been a very simple detail. and no doubt  someone would end up catching them for the theft if by the end of the day there was even a chance of that happening.

five minutes and seventeen seconds away from the car, jacob knocked on the front door of the house. he thanked his lucky stars the information had been logged in the archive. otherwise finding the residence would've taken considerably longer. and would've certainly begun to raise suspicion. after a few seconds, the door started to open and jacob readied himself. an older woman with red-brown hair came out, jacob thus putting on a business-like smile.

"good morning," he said, "you're the mother of kris, correct?"

slowly, she nodded. "yes..?"

"do you, um, mind if i come inside?"

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