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| "tell me this is just a dream, 'cause i'm really not fine at all." amnesia, five seconds of summer |

it took forty minutes for niall's group to find a place for the night.

bonus- ocean-side view.

the rain had done anything but let up. and the walk from the car to the door inside left everyone soaked. their things, thankfully, survived with minimal damage. three rooms had been rented out, leaving each room with four or five people inside.

room one- the rescued (five people total)

room two- harry, courtney, liam, kris.

room three- niall, louis, madison, niall, zayn.

the first people to fall asleep were two of the boys they'd saved. their friend- luke- explained that they slept a lot, 'except michael was just lazy like that'. harry would explain to mr. hill about their problem. everyone else was just relieved to get some sleep.

everyone except kris.

her mind was both begging her to sleep and begging her to stay awake and think things over properly. she eventually gave up and went with the latter option.

issue one- her power dilemma.

that was something that was really beginning to eat away at her. liam obviously knew something was unnatural about that; zayn had even said that he knew of no one that had more than one power. why was she different, even among outcasts? could there be reason to suspect that, over time, she'd develop even more abilities? there wasn't any reason not to, anyway.

issue two- the nightmare.

most days, kris didn't have dreams of any sort. her head was boring that way. but now she was seeing boys in storms, and a majority of her was insisting that she knew them. louis maybe? why was her mind creating situations that involved those around her?

speaking of louis, that was an issue in of itself, but for another thought session.

issue three- post-mission.

kris exhaled as her mind raced. how could she explain everything to her mom? the last she'd spoken to her, it had ended in kris angrily rejecting anything to do with normality. anything to do with her. and she felt unbelievably guilty about it.

she would've kept thinking about it and gone on to the fourth issue, but kris gave up, rolled over on the pull-out bed, and fell asleep.

sleep was weird. it felt like two seconds had passed before kris felt a hand on her shoulder, lightly shaking her. both her eyes flew open. everything was still dark around her, so all that was visible were the shadows and outlines. one in particular was standing over her. kris jumped.

"hey, hey, it's only me." a voice whispered.

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