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  • Dedicated to @mukeslouis

note; i realize the text doesn't go in italics sometimes, and i honestly don't know how to fix it or why it happens. sorry x.


| "and if a kid breaks and no one around chooses to hear, do they make a sound? are they just the background noise of a soundtrack stuck on repeat when people say things like 'kids can be cruel'?" - shane koyczan |

half past midnight.

louis got restless fairly quickly, and it was thirty minutes into the next day when he grabbed a jacket from his closet, left a note on the outside of his door in case anyone went looking for him, and left up and out through the garage.

the cold night air hit louis like a wall, sending goosebumps up his skin. he shivered and jogged out of the neighborhood. there was only the sound of his shoes against the sidewalk, the sprinklers going off on every other lawn, and, every once in a while, a car driving by. the soft moonlight cast his shadow long in front of him. louis dug into his jean pocket and started on a piece of gum.

he liked being alone like this, without having to worry about the shit back home. it was walks like these that probably kept him sane. hell, it even got him slightly poetic.

louis knew the city like the back of his hand and quickly made his way down the side of the road to a dark park. no one ever came there, even in the daytime. it was a pitiful patch of grass, a one-swing swing set, three trees, and a water fountain. two months ago, they'd put a bench in with it's back to the sidewalk.

quietly, louis sat on the bench and closed his eyes, leaning his head back. his hand brushed against the metal armrest. the crackle of ice was unmistakable. if he'd wanted to, he could've easily iced over the entire park. but he didn't want to be endlessly lectured about not causing weather phenomenons in the middle of town, so he didn't, obviously.

a snap of the fingers sent a small group of snowflakes up into the air. it was honestly a pathetic power. while his friends could catch fire or draw actual people into reality, he made ice, snow, and enemies. in distaste, he spat his gum out into the grass.

"i am completely useless." louis said out loud, knowing that no one was around to hear.

he sat there until a numbness had formed throughout his lower body. finally, louis stood up, cracked his back, and began walking back home.

he hadn't made it thirty steps before he saw several figures coming down the sidewalk. they were laughing, jostling each other about. louis began to take a step towards the opposite side of the street in order to avoid them.

"hey tomlinson!"

louis stopped in his tracks, a metallic taste forming in his mouth. he felt very, very, very small. had he honestly managed to corner himself, alone, with jacob and his cronies? his heart thumped against his chest. he was frozen with fear- no pun intended.

"how're you doing, buddy?" jacob asked, now inches away from him. his eyes were glazed.

louis put on a face of not caring and smiled. "oh, just... out." inside, the "fight or flight" response had completely taken over. it screamed at him one thing; run. "well, actually, i was just thinking of turning this stroll into a jog."

on a dime, he spun around and bolted back towards the park. his head was pounding with adrenaline. just as he started to pass the bench, half coated in ice, an invisible force knocked him to the left and into the park. he inhaled, knees and hands stinging painfully.

"seriously?" jacob and the three other boys behind him walked into the park. "louis, louis, louis, i thought you were just a little bit smarter than that."

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