(Bonus Story) Part 2 - Lovers

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They pulled on their clothes eventually, Kit wincing at the sting of his cuts as he shrugged into a loose t-shirt. 

Zach searched the drawers under the bed, rummaging around, as unconcerned with private property as ever.

"Don't you have anything to eat around here, doc? Candy bar, sandwich - hell, I'd even take something healthy. You wore me out."

Kit rolled his eyes. "Nope. I stopped eating breakfast - and lunch - ages ago. Just coffee and half a pack."

He pulled a crumpled packet of cigarettes from his pocket, waving it at Zach. Then he glanced at the half-empty bottle of scotch on the floor.

"Glass of whiskey maybe. On my days off."

Zach laughed, low and sexy. "A balanced meal if I ever saw one. Go on then - share."

Kit pulled out a smoke and slid it between his lips, watching him fish out a lighter.

"C'mon. We better smoke out the window or my landlord'll have a fit."

He closed his eyes and smiled contentedly, stretching like a cat just to feel his scratches burn. Zach watched him, eyes unreadable.

"You seem pretty pleased."

"Pain in remembrance of pleasure is a kind of pleasure in itself."

Some pains hurt better than others. 

"Poetry, doc. That's beautiful. And pretty messed up."

"Says the guy who just fucked his sort-of cousin."

"Lucky for the two of us, you're the only person on this planet who could pull off being my sort-or cousin and still be hot."

Kit snorted. "Ha. Lucky indeed."

They settled down together on opposite corners of the low, broad windowsill, opening the window as wide as it would go.

There wasn't much of a view - just the wall of the next building over, and a few rooftops beyond that.

The werewolf had found this place after he started working as an emergency medical technician. Once he'd started studying again, he had stayed. It might be tiny and in poor repair, but the rent was affordable, his roommates were decent, and it was close enough to the hospital and public transportation.

After graduating from high school, Kit had started working as a carer and cleaner at the same clinic he used to volunteer at.

As soon as he turned 18 and became legible, he started training to become an EMT and got certified - passing all his exams one month later.

After that he worked as an emergency responder for five months, and then applied to the paramedic program.

Emergency medical technicians could do non-invasive procedures, and they saved lives that way, but Kit wanted to learn more. He wanted to be able to do the things he'd taught himself years ago - like hang an IV - properly and safely.

Now he was finished with both his classes and clinical phase, halfway through his three month internship, working with a paramedic unit and following their rotating schedule of 24-hour shifts.

It was like being an EMT again, only more challenging and even more rewarding. After coming off his shifts Kit either did a face plant fully clothed into his bed and didn't stir until his roommates knocked on the door to check that he was still alive, or he felt so buzzed and full of energy that he could hardly contain it.

Today it had been the latter. He'd had a good shift, had felt elated enough to kiss his colleague, had been surprised to see his lover again after all this time...

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