Chapter 20 - I'm Back

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When Amos had kissed his knuckles at the bar, Charles felt all the blood in his body rush to his face.

It looked like an innocent action - ridiculously old-fashioned - but it made sensory memories flood back from the night they had spent together.

Even his ears were burning. Amos held his gaze.

"If you want."

The corner of Amos's mouth quirked up slightly - Charles had never seen him smile in public, he realized - and nodded at Kit and Zach before heading past them into his office.

Zach whistled through his teeth, low.

When Amos had left Charles sat still for a moment, frozen, lips parted slightly.

What do I want?

It was a question he had asked himself more in the last few days than possibly in his entire life.

"I - I've - " He swallowed.

"I'll be right back," he said, mirroring Kit's words but not his cocksure tone. Charles sounded breathy to his own ears.

Stumbling from the chair, he followed Amos, hesitating before the black door - then pushing it open and stepping inside without knocking.

The minute he stepped in the door, strong arms caught Charles and pressed him up against it, warm lips on his as Charles's heart hammered in his chest.

"Dammit," Amos breathed, catching the nape of his neck with one hand and covering his mouth again.

Charles gasped into his mouth, revelling in the feel of him, hard and hot pressed along his entire front, his warm breath on his ear and neck, teeth dipping to scrape over his skin.

He poured himself into the kiss. Yes, this was why he had followed him in here even though he had looked so cold before, this feeling of being held in strong arms and protected from the world - of being the centre of attention, cherished, seen - 

How one man could put all that in a kiss, he'd never know.

But he gave himself over to it completely, and when Amos lifted him up the younger man instinctively wrapped his long legs around his hips, staring down at him.

Outside, in front of the others, the older, distinguished man had seemed so distant. Now he pinned Charles with his gaze, entirely present, and spoke in that low, gravelly voice that undid the engineer. 

"I was tired, annoyed, and unhappy that I wanted you despite all my rules against customers and alcoholics," he said, "...and my words were still unacceptable."

He was looking at Charles now, only at him, and the rest of the world seemed to slow, dull, fade away whenever he was the sole focus of those dark, warm eyes.

"I was wrong," Amos said. "Whatever my thoughts and opinions, I had no right to judge you or you situation. And even if you have a problem...that doesn't mean you're not worthy of respect. I'm sorry."

"I - " Charles had to clear his throat. "Thank you."

"In the future, I will try to treat you as you deserve. That being said..."

He leaned up slightly and Charles gulped, noticing that he had swayed forward too, and they were now much closer, lips inches apart. 

"If you still want to play this way, I'll show you what it's supposed to be like - me controlling you for your pleasure, and mine. But for that to work we have to talk. Properly."

"Over dinner?"

"If you want."

"The things you said about me - you were right..."

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