Chapter 46 - A Way Forward

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And so they moved to a different part of town, and nearly a year passed. 

Charlie found a job at the little food packaging company that had called him in for an interview. It was poorly paid compared to his latest job, but it was honest, and maybe one day he'd be able to move on and do research again.

For medicines that help, not hurt.

They rented a small apartment and Kit started in a huge public high school where he could blend in tolerably among the vast and varied crowd of teens. He tried his best to keep a low profile, keep his scandals out of school - and mostly succeeded.

Some mornings, for just a moment before he opened his eyes, it felt as if he'd gone back in time.

Once more he found himself living in a small dingy rental, going to a big anonymous school, living with an addict. He'd wake up in his bedroom and expect to hear the sounds of New Orleans, smell the scents of his childhood, disoriented from his persistent nightmares.

And at the same time, everything was different.

Because Charlie was getting better. Their little place was clean and tidy, and Kit went to school every day. His debts were gone.

The chemist had fallen off the wagon sometimes. It had been a difficult year.

But it was worth the struggle, Kit thought. 

Worth the pain to see his uncle pick himself up each time, dust himself off, and go back to his support group. Worth it to stand by his side, support him as his condition slowly improved and he experienced less withdrawal, gained more control over his life and impulses.

Worth it all, to have a chance for things to get better. Charlie could get better. Instead of...

Kit had been through worse.

Funny - they had both been longing for a second chance to help Kitty. Ultimately, she had been the one to bring them together.

His mother had made Kit into much of what he was. She had given him his life, several useful skills, even more issues, the family curse, and her blistering, sharp, mercurial love.

Her memory was with him everywhere he went, burning and soothing him.

He wouldn't be without it for the world.

When Kit heard a click at the front door, he jolted up from the couch and swore loudly.

They weren't supposed to be back yet.

"Hi!" Charlie called out cheerfully as he came into the living room balancing an oversized, bright flower bouquet, Amos close behind him, holding a white paper box tied with string - the type you'd get from a bakery. 

"We decided to bring home dessert instead of having it at the restaurant, that way we can all share it before you have to go - "

Kit stuck his tousled head up above the back of their couch, curls sticking out in every direction. His shirt was rucked up, lips ruddy. 

"He- Hey there," he said, voice catching. Clearing his throat, he tried again, while nudging something behind the couch, out of their view.

"Hey guys. Anniversary dinner...all good?" 

"...Um," Charlie's surprised gaze took in his appearance. "Yeah. It was amazing."

Just then, another head rose hesitantly into view, short hair dyed and gathered in two dutch braids (that were coming apart, lavender tresses escaping), heart-shaped face flushed.

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