Chapter 29 - Threats, Temptations, and Tequila

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I just cannot catch a break tonight, Kit thought as he bolted down the stairs - never risk getting caught in an elevator - away from the stranger chasing him.

He had dodged around the man's outstretched arm - his reflexes were fast, but Kit's were faster, and he could use his size to compensate the other's longer reach - and sprinted down the hallway, jumping down the flights of stairs.

His feet slammed into the stone steps, soles stinging, but he didn't feel it, focused on getting away.

He couldn't fight someone that size, trained and experienced, and expect to win.

Yeah, Kit had known some people might want to find him. He just didn't think they'd bother to go through all the trouble of searching properly.

Where in the world could he go? The police?

How was he even able to outrun this guy? But somehow he could - somehow he was faster, running, sprinting, he didn't know where, trying to think -

His feet carried him towards the busier streets, towards the stroke of restaurants, bars, and clubs without him thinking about it, trying to lose the man in the crowds, his hears pounding. 

But the guy just followed, still there. Block after block. And even if Kit lost him, this man knew where he lived now...the boy was running out of options.

Digging around in his pocket Kit whirled around, moving to the side of the crowded street, slowing down as a shoulder knocked into his, sending him sideways. 

At the same time a gloved hand caught him by the shoulder, slamming him into the wall between two bars, Kit pressed the button on his small alarm, letting it fall to the ground and reaching to unfold his pocket knife - 

The personal alarm went off like a siren, but instead of flinching the man cursed and hauled him further into the alleyway, next to a pair of huge metal containers there.

With practiced ease he blocked the teenagers clumsy attempt to stab him, trapping Kit's wrist against the concrete wall behind them.

He squeezed until Kit could feel bruises forming, twisting his wrist, but the wolf gritted his teeth and refused to drop the knife.

Someone must have heard the siren - there were people everywhere around. But with the loud music blasting, no-one came. Maybe they thought it was a car alarm, or something from a club. 

Damn it, Kit thought, staring up at the man who was looking even more pissed off now, glaring down at him.

"Kitty Callaghan," he said with grim satisfaction, his grip tightening further.

They were both breathing hard after the long sprint - with how little he exercised, Kit was surprised he'd been able to run all this way.

"She's dead, she can't pay you," he spat.

"That so? Well you're alive, aren't you, missy?"

His words reminded Kit that he was still crossdressing, and it was dark, and this guy thought he was a girl.

"You're pretty damn fast... And staying in that fancy place now? Why don't we go back and take a look what's inside it? Maybe you'll find something to pay us with - "

"I'm in foster care, I don't have any money or relatives. My mom took out that loan and she's dead - "

A punch in hit gut, less hard than it might have been, cut his words short. 

"Listen, kid," the man told him, looking both sweaty and annoyed, "Get me the money or the name of someone who will. Don't make this any harder for yourself."

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