Chapter 19 - Have Dinner With Me

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A week passed before they went back to the bar.

They stayed in that weekend, watching crappy action movies (Kit's choice), old literary adaptations (Charlie's preference), and ordering take-out, eating it on the couch as if Kit was recovering from a cold and not...whatever had actually happened. 

On Monday, the werewolf went back to school, sat through his lecture about being absent, and collected a big pile of homework he'd missed. 

Yeesh, you're think I was gone two weeks instead of two days. 

At homeroom, Kit noticed Tyson and Corey arguing in whispers and glanced at them only to spot a purple bruise spreading over Corey's jaw and cheekbone. Tyson had a fading black eye, and Oliver was nowhere to be found. 

He thought about it, then shrugged and turned away.

Not my problem, he told himself. 

But at lunch, Oliver caught up with him just outside the cafeteria. He looked...determined. 

"Kit. Hey," he said, catching his wrist in a tight grip. The shorter boy glanced up, surprised, and resisted the urge to wrench free. 

"Hey yourself. What's up?" 

He looked pointedly down at his wrist, but the blond kept his grip, steering them to the side, away from the other students. 

"What are you doing this weekend?" 


"I got invited to a party." Oliver chewed his bottom lip, looking down, and Kit's eyebrows shot up. 

"Yeah? You going?"

"I want to...if you'll come with me."


"Please, I don't know anyone. I never get invited. I'd like to go - I don't want to pass through all of high school not having gone to a single party! But only if there's someone there that I can talk to."

"A house party?"

Oliver nodded.

"Far from here?"

He shook his head.

It was tempting, Kit had to admit. It had been months - holy shit, like six months - since he'd been to a house party. It had been before everything.

They were always good fun - free booze, loud music, and drunk, handsy people - and Kit was curious to see if a crowd from such a fancy school partied any differently than the kids he had used to hang out with. Anything could happen.

But...something had been up with Oliver lately. 

He acted differently -  avoiding Kit's questions and looking at him sideways. Granted, the wolf hadn't know him long enough to be sure about it, but he was wary. Something was up.

And Kit had started making a habit of hanging out with on Charlie on weekends. Looking out for his uncle didn't seem like such a chore anymore. 

"I don't know," he told Oliver. "I'll think about it."


"I gotta go, have a meeting." He pried his wrist free.  "I'll think about it, 'kay, Oliver?"

Walking away, he spun around to call out,

"Text me the time and address, okay? Text me!"

And his friend nodded, hands hanging limp at his sides, face cast in shadow from the bright cafeteria lights behind him.

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