Chapter 18 - New Deal

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"I'm sorry that we can't go back to the bar, now we'll have to find somewhere else that'll let you in..."

For some reason, Zach's face flashed before Kit's eyes. His sardonic, lazy smile. Sure, quick hands putting a soda down in front of him and slinging a white tea towel over his shoulder.

Never going back to the bar... Never going back one of the few places he knew and felt comfortable in, in this whole city?

"Maybe," he said slowly, "We could still go back. Why should you have to change where you drink just because you had a one night stand with the owner? Show him you don't care."

"But I kind of do care..."

"Doesn't matter. Pretend you don't. Be calm, cool, er - suave."

"I've never been anything like that..."

"You could be, though, Charlie. You're young, blond, dress nice - you could pick and choose but instead you never turn anyone away!"

"I'm not - I'm not - people don't want to talk to me - "

"We're talking about them wanting to sleep with you, which is what matters."

"He was so nice though..."

"He could have been tricking you."

"Why would he?"

"To get you into bed, of course!"

"I already miss being in his bed..."

"Urgh. God, you're hopeless. Instead of trying to help you, I might as well just go bang my head against the wall over there."

"But he was so - it was so - good... It was easy and good. I haven't had something easy and good in so long..."

Charlie looked at him with pleading eyes. Kit repressed a smile - he enjoyed the banter, but he couldn't let his uncle use his own pretty eyes against him. 

"I think he might be different - "

"Here we go."

"No, I mean, yes, I've mostly gone home with jerks, but - " his guardian groaned into his hands. "You're right. Of course he only wanted one night, who am I kidding? What is it about me that only attracts assholes?"

"Hey, maybe it's you."

The blond froze. Then he bit his bottom lip, looked down. 

"Do you really mean that?" he whispered. 

"What? Shit, no! No, I didn't - "

Charlie let his hurt expression break up into a shy, but decidedly cheeky smile. 

"Got you."

Kit stared at him for a beat. Then he laughed, a bubbling, open, from-your-belly laugh.

"You got me!" he laughed, delighted.

"Charlie, what's happening to you? My, my. I must be having a bad influence."

"It was a horrible thing to say, though. 'Maybe it's you.'"

"I am horrible. But seriously, screw them. I mean, not literally, I'm sure you already did - just, it's their loss. Don't...don't give a shit about them, really. They're not worth it. This guy isn't worth it. It's not your fault."

"But the sex was so good..."

"Swear off men from now on. Only girls."

"Girls are scary."

"Scare you straight."

"I don't think there are enough scary things in the whole world to make me straight."

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