Chapter 44 - Liars and Absinthe

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Charlie led Kit over to his car - which was surprising. They were leaving to head to the bar for the last time. And they has decided to walk there and take a cab back.

It was Saturday night and people were out and about, dressed up more than usual, the clear sky stained deep purple and indigo, colours bleeding into one another. 


His hands clenched and unclenched, fidgeting, before unlocking the door and opening the glovebox. The postcard Kit had noticed before lay there, glossy side facing down. 

"...Do you have many pictures of her?"


Kit looked down, resisted the urge to scuff the pavement with his sneakers. No need to ask who they were talking about. "Some."

Grainy. Online.  "Phone cameras were still pretty bad when I was a baby. And later...didn't think she'd've liked it."

Looking like that. 

Not to mention he'd never gotten to return to their apartment after following her to the hospital. A social worker must have just grabbed some clothes for him. It didn't matter - 

It mattered - 

He'd been too numb and sick with guilt to care at the time. 

Charlie hesitated. Then picked up his picture, perhaps his only picture, taking it from the glove compartment of his car, and held it out to his nephew. 

Of Kit and Kitty, a smiling young girl and her sullen baby.

"Do you... I mean, you can have this. If you want?" he asked softly. 

Kit took the offering slowly, studying it. Felt a crooked smile turn up the corner of his mouth. She looked so young. 

"...Can I have one of you, as well?" he asked, without taking his eyes from the photograph.

Charles blinked. "Sure. I mean, yes." 

He swallowed, and his own smile, hesitant, tender. Loving. 

"Let's take one together."

Because of his drinking problem, Charlie had never built up much in the the way of savings, even though he'd had such a high salary. His degree might enough to get a job, but with no references, it wouldn't be a good one.

Still, he was skilled enough to work his way up from an entry level position, Kit was sure of it. As long as it was honest. 

This was better. This was enough. They would get by.

The teenager had already filled out the paperwork to enrol in the nearest public high school, and he was determined to graduate. Focus on that - not get into fights, not sleep around, and never make any close friends.

He was going to try.

You care too much. Trick is, screw people over before they get a chance to do worse to you...

No more friends. From now on, he wouldn't trust anyone.

Except Charlie. Family.

Kit wanted to help others like his mother. He needed to make a difference, to atone, to save people and forget about the one person he couldn't - didn't - failed to save.

But he was done making friends.

It was a weekend night - and louder, more upbeat music than usual played over the speakers. Colourful drinks flowed, but the two relatives stuck with coke, and for the first time, Amos sat by their side.

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