Chapter 11 - I'm Game

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Kit froze. 

Oliver noticed and looked up at him, his gaze catching on the man in the doorway - Kit heard a gasp that sounded almost torn from him - 

And then he jumped back, tripping and falling to the floor, shooting up, stumbling, running, shouldering past his teacher as if acting on instinct, a panicked impulse to flee - 

Kit waited, not taking his eyes of the adult in front of him. He looked - well, like a teacher. Short brown stubble, metal-rimmed glasses, shirt and jumper, early thirties.

Eyes wide, mouth falling open.

"Was that Oliv - "

"I started it. Wasn't his idea."

"And - And you are?"

"Kit Callaghan - the new kid, presumably. At your service." 

He gave a mock bow, still half-lying on top of the desk, topless. At least he was no longer tenting his pants.


"And you're the chem teacher, Jeremy Dawson." 

"...Correct. I realise that you haven't been here very long, Christopher - "


" - Kit. But are you okay? Is something going on at home?"

I've made a deal involving my uncle's sex-life and my own excessive underage drinking. In addition to that, I suspect I might be going insane.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that I don't usually find my students topless and...aroused in my classroom."

He crossed his arms across his chest, and Kit watched the way the motion made the fabric crease and strain. 

"I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed to hear that, Mr. Dawson."

The teacher blinked. Kit continued before he could respond. 

"I'm fine," he said, looking away. 

"Are you sure? I'm your teacher - well, a teacher here - and I hope you feel that you can talk to me."

He had moved slightly closer, and Kit caught a whiff of his aftershave, and underneath that, salty sweat and skin. His eyes roamed over the boy's face, wide and earnest, and a little bit...hungry? 

They lingered on his full lips, ruddy from kissing.


"Not sure I'd feel comfortable talking about it in school... Besides, you wouldn't understand. You have such a beautiful wife..." he gestured at the picture on the desk showing the teacher and a pretty woman with long black hair, chewing his lip.

"She's my girlfriend. I could arrange a meeting with the school counsellor for you. Or, if you prefer..."

He tilted his head to the side, looking him up and down in a way that Kit was familiar with, sending a tingle up his spine.

"If you would like to, you could come and visit our home. Then we can talk in a more relaxed environment, away from school. Have dinner with my girlfriend and I - she always loves my students."

Very interesting. 

Kit smiled. "I would love to."

The need in him was getting worse. Like something under his skin, a strain, and itch he couldn't scratch, a deep restless aching. As the moon grew fuller, it got harder to ignore, but Kit didn't want to think about that.

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