Closing Remarks

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When I first decided to write a mature-rated man x man / boy x boy story where they two main characters slowly develop a non-sexual, non-romantic relationship... I wasn't sure how it would be received.

So to every reader who has followed this tale to its end, and to those who've reached out and let me know you enjoyed it - this story is for you.

Thank you.

If any of you have thoughts or feedback you'd like to share, feel free to let me know!

Badass Omega begins a year or so after the end of this book, including the bonus story.

I came up with the idea for this story first, and it was always meant to have a happy ending.

Then - well - inspiration struck, and I ended up writing the other story first. But they can be read separately, and I consider them two independent books and not part of a series.

But just imagine...if I had written this one first, and then started Badass Omega... How much would you have hated me?

It turned out to be a story about two people who are very flawed, but still strong and worthy of love. 

Who believe they might be bad beyond the point of redemption, broken beyond repair, undeserving of love - but discover that they are not.

Who find hope for the future inside themselves and through the support of their new, chosen family.

And finally, find a way forward together, a little bit at a time. 

This one turned out simultaneously darker and less violent than my other book. Maybe because Kit was younger here, and both the mains had so few good people in their lives. 

The next story will be shorter and full of action, more in the style of Badass Omega. So if you preferred that, you might want to give this next story a read...

Charles's relationship with Hunter - where he's given up his autonomy in return for something he interprets as affection - is fairly common in this genre, but in this story we begin years into the relationship, after he has started experiencing the negative consequences of his choice.

He's been swept off his feet by his wealthy boss, and given up much of himself to please him.

I wondered how a character like that might leave an unhealthy relationship... Would he be able to, without a knight in shining armour swooping in to rescue him?

And how would he manage being someone else's guardian and emotional support?

In the end, it takes a catalyst in the form of an angry 16-year-old werewolf to make him take ownership of his life and his decisions, and then finally an active role in changing them. 

Kit is younger in this story. He starts of numb and grieving, but underneath that, he's both furious and naive, lashing out without really considering the consequences. 

As the story progresses, he grows more understanding and accepting of his own and other peoples' flaws, and finds a way to channel his anger into focusing on the future - on doing something meaningful with his life. 

Eventually he embraces being a werewolf, and starts working through some of his issues. 

Kit doesn't stop sleeping around, and Charles doesn't stop being submissive, but they discover that they want to do those things on their own terms.

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