Chapter 27 - A Good Kisser

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      We continue watching what the antique shop has to offer and Liam never lets go of my hand, and I really don’t mind. I enjoy the contact not only because my hands are cold, but also because it feels good. Furthermore, I think he needs it because even if he smiles and talks to me, he still looks kind of angry. I don’t know if it’s wrong of me to feel happy because I see him like this, caring so much that he can’t just let it go. I didn’t think Liam was capable of something like this.

“Are you going to tell Niall you saw Ella,” I question as offhandedly as I can, not even looking at him, my eyes are focused on appreciating an old music box.

But I feel him tensing, I feel his grip on my hand getting tighter and that makes me look at him. His expression is serious and I can tell he’s really thinking about it.

“I dunno,” he replies. “I think knowing I saw Ella here would throw him back and all what he’s done to move on would be for nothing.  I’m afraid he would come here every day with the hope to find her and convince her to take him back.”

“But what if he really moved on and he’ll just be happy that she’s doing well?” I propose as an alternative and Liam frowns. “Maybe he doesn’t love her the same way anymore and he doesn’t want to get back with her. You said she broke up with him. I think Niall is bright and he would understand he can’t force a person to be with him. Maybe there’s an important reason for her to stay away. We don’t know that,” I continue and he keeps his eyebrows furrowed. “Think about it. Sometimes, love is not enough to make a relationship work. When the people involved are not ready for commitment, the relationship is doomed. Sometimes people need to find themselves first before being with someone else.”

“Can’t you find yourself when you’re with the person you love?” he asks and I know he really means it, he really wants to know.

I shrug. “I guess someone could, but it’s quite difficult. When you’re with someone you tend to adapt, that’s what humans do. You try to make it work, and if you don’t know yourself enough then it’s easier to get lost. For a solid relationship both partners need to be stable on their own as well, otherwise the whole thing will crumble. Think of it as a house. If the foundation is weak because one of the materials wasn’t strong enough, then the house will crumble at the first earthquake or storm.”

Liam stays in silence for a moment, thinking and I wonder what exactly is on his mind to have such a serious expression.

“Do you think that’s why my previous relationships haven’t worked out? I’ve been told that I become too much like them and they can’t see the guy they fell in love with anymore,” he questions and my eyes widen.

I look at him and think of all the things I know about him. It’s very likely considering his tendency to please everyone around to make sure they accept him. He also tends to act like the people he hangs out with. Not in the sense how you change when you are with your family and when you’re with your friends, it’s different, it’s more like he imitates certain traits from his friends.

“I guess. Remember what I told you about not being what I want? It’s something like that. If you change to be like me or what I would like you to be, just to please me, then you’re just faking. It’s better to find common ground even if it’s small instead of imitating the other person. I guess is a fine line and it’s hard to see, but if you think about it and pay more attention, you’ll realise the difference,” I explain hoping it’s clear enough to make him understand. I know it sounds a bit confusing.

“So I have to be myself but without imposing my own preferences, instead I should try to find those aspects we both like,” he tries and I nod.

“Precisely. For instance, I love that you brought me here for a change, but I wouldn’t like it if I knew you’re having a hard time and you’re just doing this for me. I rather you take me somewhere I might not love as much but where you could also have a bit of fun.”

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