Chapter 4 - Invitation

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    There are great things in life. One of the most amazing things in life is, without a doubt, a chilly afternoon at home with a steamy mug of tea and a book in your hands. It’s one of the most sublime things when you know you don’t have to go out, when you can forget all about your problems because the book is an open door to a different world, a world in which you don’t exist, hence you have no worries.

I love that feeling.

Because as I lost myself in the story I don’t have to think about how I signed a contract that ties me to a royal jerk that I can’t stand. With this book’s help I don’t need to think of Liam and how wary I am of the moment I’ll receive a call from Havi telling me it’s time to start pretending, that she’s organised a whole fake date for us so people will see him with his new girlfriend before the premier.

I wish I could stay in this fictional world forever. No responsibilities. No fake boyfriends. No anything but an epic story.

But then my phone rings and I’m brought back to reality and I shiver, like I do every time I hear my phone going off since I signed that contract. Yesterday. I’m honestly afraid to see Havi’s number. I thought she was going to be the one to call me, she’s the one in charge of all the details. That’s why I’m shocked when I see Liam’s contact on the screen of my mobile.

Why is he calling me?

Still confused, I close the book and put it aside before I grab my phone. I look at the screen for two whole seconds before I slide my finger to answer the incoming call. In slow motion I put the gadget next to my ear.

“Hello?” I ask. Maybe someone got hold of his phone and called me. Liam saved my contact as girlfriend chick, so maybe he had an accident and the paramedics are calling me. That would make sense.

“Belle.” But it’s his voice and I sigh. I’m not sure if I’m disappointed that it’s his voice or not. “How are you, babe?” he asks and it gives me the creeps that he calls me babe. But oh well, at least he’s being polite and asking how I am.

“Not so good since I saw your name on my mobile’s screen,” I reply honestly and I swear I hear him chuckle. I’m not joking. “How about you?”

“Oh, I’m really excited and that’s why I’m calling you, babe,” he says in a very cheery tone.

“Yeah, great, just don’t call me babe,” I request with an annoyed tone. I don’t like it, not a single bit.

“Fine, just Belle, then. Don’t say I’m not a sweet boyfriend later, though,” he replies and I shiver at the thought. Even if it’s fake, he’s my boyfriend. Oh God.

“Babe is just a generic term you use to refer to any woman just because you’re too lazy to use her name, or just because you don’t care,” I venture and he doesn’t reply, which is all the confirmation I need.

“Isabelle,” he says deliberately using my name, slowly and carefully and I smile, knowing I won this small argument. “I call you not to discuss how I’ll call you, but to invite you to a party tonight.”

“Party?” I repeat like an echo.

It’s not that I don’t like going out. I quite like it and it’s fun, but some days I just don’t feel like leaving my house. And today is one of those days. And going to a party with Liam is not something I would like, even in those days I do want to go out.

“Yes, a party. Do you know what a party is, right?” he asks, his voice full of sarcasm and I roll my eyes. I don’t know what idea he has of me, but it’s clearly the wrong one.

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