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OK, I can do this. He has accepted that he's my fake boyfriend. Finally I can shine between my friends. FINALLY I can say that he's really my boyfriend and have lots of friends! I just shouldn't panic and mess up everything.

We walk in normally, not over doing anything. Which is a good start. He then takes my hand and walks directly to the bartender.

"Sorry, I don't really know anyone here," he chuckles.

But people do know you.

"Andyyy!" I hear Emma's voice. Why is she here? Why is Taylor here? I thought they weren't gonna be here?

"Hey... OH MYGOD MICHAEL?" Taylor yells.

Ugh, no. No. No. Whenever I think something will go right, it HAS to go wrong.

"Um, hi," Michael replies.

"Hey guys," I smile awkwardly, "Michael these are my best friends and -"


OK. She is drunk. I need to get out of here.

"Yeah?" he says awkwardly.

"We've heard so much -" Taylor is starting to say but I cut her off.


"No!" Emma says, "Let us talk to him!"

I laugh nervously, "Michael won't get time to dance with me later!"

"Why?" Michael looks at me, confused.

"Ummm.." I hold his arm so he understands I want him away from here, "You have to go out with your friends?"

"Right.." he trails off.

"Michael I love how you're treating her," Taylor is starting to say, "Its really nice to see that she's so happy with you,"

"Yeah?" Michael replies, "I'm glad -"

"OK!" I take Michael's hand in mine, "See y'all later!"


"That was weird.." he says as we stand in between the crowd, I don't even know how to dance.

"I'm so sorry for rushing things like that!" I say, "I just didn't want them to make you feel awkward by attacking you with their questions, because I haven't told them much about you! Like, we aren't even dating!"

He bites his lower lip and shakes his head, "So those are your friends? They seem nice,"

"Yeah, they're lovely and are always there for me," I honestly feel so bad about lying to them. I am the worst friend ever.

"So were you serious about dancing, or..?" he smirks. HE WANTS TO DANCE WITH ME.

"I don't mind... but I'm a bad dancer," I shrug.

He takes my hand and pulls me close, "We'll see about that,"

You know those kind of dances when you feel the entire world is just not around and its only you TWO who actually matter? I wouldn't say it was exactly like that, but we were the only two fools dancing slowly in a hard core drunk ass party. It was so cute, he wouldn't take his eyes off me and his hands were touching me everywhere, not in a very perverted way, OK MAYBE A LITTLE. But it was such a blissful moment, and I was getting lost in him, and the flow... and honestly, I didn't know how to dance AT ALL. Thank God we were just swaying our bodies, or he would have ran away, I dance like a fucking hippo.

But it obviously got ruined because Samantha was a bitch. "Mickeeeyyyyy," she squealed.

He turned around to see her, frowning a little, still holding me, "Hey, Samantha," he smiles forcefully.

"I'm so glad you came!" she says and hugs him, so he lets go of me, "It's been soooo long!"

"Uh yes," He says awkwardly, "This this Andrea -"

"Your girlllfrined!" she squeaks, "I know! She's my classmate,we talk sometimes,"

She's never spoken to me about anything but Michael.

"That's great!" Michael is saying, "great party!"

I'm literally just smiling and hiding under Michael's wrath, I'm sure he thinks I'm hideous but I just don't like Samantha. She's such a bitch, she's so desperate. I told her I couldn't come but she still called up Michael. I was so close of being caught about this entire thing, thank god Michael called ME, and asked ME.

"Did you guys have drinks?" She asks.

"Um," Michael sighs, "I think we'll have to leave in some time, like 5 minutes! We have to attend dinner with Luke,"

What? I'm about to squeal but he squeezes my arm hinting me that this is a lie and he just wants to run away. LOL.

"Awwww," She hugs him again, so Michael lets go of me AGAIN, "Nice to see ya, though! We should hand out sometimes,"

"Surely!" Michael smiles tightly and lets go of her hug, takes my hand and we walk out. I'm sure Taylor and Emma would be mad at me for leaving without telling them, but I'll just say they were very drunk and I did meet them before leaving.


This was the most uncomfortable car ride, ever. We didn't talk, we flinched everytime our hands touched and desperately avoided eye contacts. For some reason, I think it was only because we knew something was up when we were dancing, we knew we... OK, maybe not him. But I do. I do know we had something going on, some electricity. Maybe because I already have such a huge crush on him and that dance made it grow even bigger... god. I'm acting like a 13 year old who made an eye contact with her crush once. I need to get a grip.

After 10 minutes of driving, we finally arrived near my house, he stopped the car and finally smiled at me, "Thanks for coming," he says.

"It's no big deal," I say.

"So... bye?" he is saying, he looks so awkward and his nose is red because it's so cold, I honestly want to kiss him.

"Bye!" I say and as I'm about to get out of the car he stops me but holding my arm.

"Andrea... I was thinking -" he says and I look at him.

"What?" I ask.

"Um... you know, if we could redo this entire date thing?" He asks by biting his lower lip.

"What?" I cannot believe this.

"Uhhhh. You know, can I take you out for a date tomorrow? Obviously, if it's okay. I get it if you're not into dating celebrities and stuff .."

"Sure!" I say, making him shut up, "I mean, I'd love to!"

He grins, "I'll pick you up tomorrow, same time?"

"Where are we going?" I ask him curiously.

"You'll know," He winks and then moves towards me, his face being really close to mine.

Is he going to kiss me already? Oh my god. I would totally kiss him back! I'm sure we'd be hardcore making out in the car and that's just goals, isn't it? Oh my god, I cannot believe my luck!

He kisses my cheek instead, "Goodnight," he whispers against my skin.

God. I'm such a deluded moron. He obviously wouldn't kiss me so soon. But whatever, his lips were still tingling on my skin and I was blushing so hard. I honestly couldn't wait for our date.

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now