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DON'T PANIC. OK, I can do this. I just need an inhaler. Michael looks too good. He's wearing his leather jacket and his eyebrow piercing just makes his face look 152 times better! OK! I can do this.

"Hey," I smile and get in his car, he's driving. OK, I just have to look ahead and act like he's not here. Or.. act like some average guy is sitting here... or..

"Hey, you look great!" He smiles back.

I don't. I look horrendous. I'm wearing a blue dress and I have to wear leggings under it because it's so cold and I'm also wearing my jacket for a while because I'm so cold. I'm so cold all the time!

"You look so great!" I reply, god.

"Well.. you look really great," he shrugs.

Are we only going to talk about how great we look .. or?

"Thanks," I smile, "You too,"

He smiles back and starts to drive, "Thanks,"

"Um.. so.. whose party is it?" I ask curiously.

"My ex girlfriend's" he rolls his eyes.

OK, I am very interested in this now.

"Really?" I ask back, "You guys still talk?"

"No..." he chuckles, "I don't know how she got my number back.. I mean I got a new number recently. She just called me and asked me to come with my girlfriend,"

"Your girlfriend?" I ask with suspicious eyes.

"I don't have one," he says, "I was very confused,"


"Yeah, she thinks I have a girlfriend but I don't," he shrugs.

"You did not tell her that you don't?" I ask further.

"No!" he laughs, "Are you serious? She'd start hitting on me again!"

"Wow," I say, "Clingy?"

"Very," he replies, "I mean, she was cool the first few months of our break up but once we hit the road with One Direction, she's got too clingy,"

"That's pathetic," I roll my eyes, "I hate such people,"

"Same!" he says, "I had no contact with her for about a year but she's here again,"

"How did you guys meet?" I ask.

"Her friend is a mutual friend of mine, we met in a party, dated for two months and then she broke up with me," he answers.

"She broke up with you?"

"Yeah! It was around the time we released Heartbreak Girl as a single," he says.

WHAT? That's the time I started liking them. I never heard of any girlfriend?

"Oh.." I say, "That's fucked up of her,"

"We kept it really undercover but now she's being so... like, she text'd me thrice to come for the party!" he laughs.

"So you agreed," I shake my head.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry but none of my other friends wanted to go as my girlfriend.."

"And of course, you hit me up," I say.

I don't know why I sounded so bitter but he really just took me out because none of his other friends wanted to go, which was.. Gosh, I even expected something. I'm so stupid to think this meant he was asking me out for a DATE.

"No, it's not like that!" he looks over at me for a second and then looks at the road, "It's just I didn't want to go alone and I realized that I hadn't called you when I said I would and I thought this would be a good way for making it up,"

"Yeah," I say. Seriously, whatever.

"Andrea," he stopped at the red light and looked at me, "I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I enjoy your company, you're really fun to be with. It was just that Samantha was on my mind,"



"My ex girlfriend?" he says, "Her name's Samantha,"

No. No. No. This is some other Samantha. This is just a coincidence. This is another Samantha who thinks Michael has a girlfriend and has a party at the day as the Samantha I know.

"Samantha Carlos?" I ask, wide eyed.

"Yeah, you know her?" he asks with surprise.

This is fucked up. No. Fuck no. No.

I'm thinking of running away, I want to run away. This isn't true. Oh my god. No.

"Oh my god," I mutter, "She's in my school.."

"Really?" he looks really surprised, "Wow, the world is really round, isn't it?"



"She thinks we're dating," I say in a hurry.


"That article," I say, "in the newspaper.. she thinks we're dating,"

"Fuck," he mutters, "Oh god, you didn't tell her we aren't, did you?"

"No," I say, "I didn't tell her anything. She was annoying me. She even wanted me to get you for this party,"

I completely understood why she was so keen for me getting Michael. This fucking bitch.

He laughs, "This is so fucked up,"

"I know," I say biting my lower lip.

"Well, are you ready for being my girlfriend for tonight?" he wiggles his eyebrows.

Thank God. Thank god. Now, I can tell everyone I'm really dating him. This is so good! Michael will get away from a clingy girlfriend while everyone will finally believe that I am really dating him!

I just hope this night goes well. I really do.

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now