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Ok, calm down. They don't know everything. They just can't. Samantha is talking and I'm feel like I'm gonna faint. She knows my fan account. She fucking knows my fan account.

"Isn't your account called deeperclifford, Andrea?" She is asking. [a/n: idk what username to put in so why not my own lol]

"How - how did you know?" I feel my blood running cold.

"So it's true?" Michael asks me. I can't even read his expressions. He looks mad and let down.. but he looks sad too - I don't know.

"Listen, Michael, I can explain -" I start to say but Taylor cuts me off.

"Explain what?" She yells, "You lied to us! You lied to him! You lied to Terrance! You lied to fans! You lied to everyone!"

"What did she tell you?" Michael asks, looking clueless. Fuck, I am so scared right now. This is not how I planned it.

"She told us that you guys have been dating for a year," Emma says.

"What?" Michael looks at me, flustered.

"Michael, I can explain -" I say but someone cuts me off again.

"She lied to you by saying that she isn't a fan, she lied about you, she lied about her cousins, she lied about every damn thing she's ever said," Samantha smirks.

"How did you find out?" Michael asks her.

It's like he wants to talk to everyone but me. Even this bitch.

"Well, I found things sketchy the first time she introduced you to me in my party and how you kept saying that you just got to know her in all of your articles, so I tried to find out the truth about her. Terrance helped, of course. He gave me the details of how she took his money to help some friend, but ended up spending more than half on herself. She hasn't even returned the money to him yet. She keeps tagging along with you because that makes her feel famous. Even her recent tweets are about how she feels pathetic to use someone - that is most probably you."

"I'm not fucking using him!" I protest, "Those tweets were not for him! Those were for -"

"How did you find her twitter?" Michael ignores me.

"It was easy. I went on her personal account and found her following some deeperclifford. I staked her tweets and she sounded like herself, so I knew it was Andrea," she says.

Fucking hell. I am so fucking stupid. I shouldn't have followed myself!

"Michael, listen, please," I turn to him. "I didn't even tweet anything about using someone! Please, you can check the tweet too! It was about how I felt bad for lying -" I stop myself from talking.

Samantha smirks, "So you agree that you lied?"

Fucking bitch. She will fucking rot.

"Wow," Michael smiles bitterly, "Wow, Andrea. So much for trusting you, what a big price I gotta pay? I should have just listened to my friends!"

"Michael, I am not using you -"

"Right?" Emma says, "Then why did you keep using his name to get popular?"

"Emma.." I trail off. Everyone is against me. My best friends and the guy I really really like. Why did I ever think lying was a good idea?

"Just forget it," Taylor says, "I never thought my best friend, who I trusted so much, even the silliest things you said, I fucking trusted you. I can't believe you could lie to .. us? All because you wanted to be popular? So in the end of the day, our friendship was never enough for you?" Her voice cracks. I see how much I've hurt her. I'm such a bitch. I shouldn't have lied in the first place. Fuck my life.

"Please, I can explain, please!" I'm crying now. I don't want to lose such special people. I don't know how to make them stay or even... listen to me.

"We're leaving," Emma says, "Don't ever try and talk to us again,"

I'm a wreck. I don't know how to feel or what to say. I look at Michael, my knees feeling weak, he looks hurt. He looks mad. And somehow, I know this is the end. I know I'm never gonna get back what I had, I know I'm the one who ruined it. I know.....

"I trusted you, you know?" Michael laughs bitterly, "I.. was looking out for an actual future for us. I wanted us to be a thing, and I wanted to take things ahead. But.. you know, you've given me another reason why I should listen to my friends. I was so fucking stupid!" He pulls his hair roughly, "Thank you, Andrea! Even after knowing how difficult it is for me to trust people, thank you for doing this to me! I fucking hate you!"

And it's gone. I ruined it. I ruined everything. I'm a loner. I'm...a loser. They're gone. He's gone. It's over. It's so over.

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now