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OK, CALM DOWN. I can handle this. I literally just spent 190 pounds and I've still got to return Terrance his money. But I couldn't help it. I needed a new iPod. I NEEDED IT. And the clothes were on sale..... how could I ever let that down? SALE? No. Never. Oh my god, I'm such an asshole. I can't wait for it to be 20th December already, when my mom sends me money. I also need a fucking job. God, my life sucks. My life really sucks. I need a grip on reality.

"Andy, you know my cousin Lydia?" Taylor's asking me.

"Yeah, of course!" I reply. I have no idea who she is.

"She works in this store and they have a vacancy and I think you can try there for a job!" She suggests.

Suddenly I am very interested. I think I do remember her cousin... I mean, in the back of my mind, "That'll be really cool! What store?" I ask.

"Title Waves," she replies. (I made that up).

My eyes widen, "That's the most expensive book and music store,"

"Yeah," she says, "but you can try!"

"I don't know... why would they hire a dumb high school student?" I ask sadly.

"Andrea, c'mon, you know stuff about music! You're dating Michael Clifford! Just say that and you'll get the job in two seconds,"

How can she even say this? Why the fuck would I use Michael's name to get a job? That's ridiculous. I cannot believe this.

"Uh, no." I say, "I wouldn't do that,"

"I know," she replies, "But you want the job, right?"

Is she really pressuring me into this? Now that I do know Michael, I wouldn't dare use him.He is the sweetest person ever and honestly, that's just cruel. After all this time that he helped me? No. I'm so not doing this.

"I'll see what I can do," I say finally, "I'll leave now, though. I have some work," I lie and get up. I just don't want to be here.

"Okay," she smiles and sips her juice, "Visit her by 4PM today, though!"

"Will do!" I say and walk out.

Really, this is stupid. It's 2PM now and I should really go home and take a short nap and go for this job thing fresh. Sounds like a plan.


I knew this would be a bad plan. I overslept. I fucking overslept. I cannot believe this. 5 hours of napping? Is that even a nap? This always happens to me.

My phone is ringing and I'm too annoyed to answer it. I just hope I can go tomorrow and get the job. I want the job so bad. I want A job so bad.

"What?" I answer the call because it kept ringing. Who the fuck even wants to talk to me?

"Andrea? I'm sorry, are you busy?"

"Michael?" I almost squealed. He called me. HE FUCKING CALLED ME.

"Hey.. I was wondering if you're free?" he asked.

"Of course! I just woke up from a nap, didn't mean to sound rude," I say, "I didn't have your number so I didn't know it was you,"

"That's okay!" he chuckled, "Sorry for earlier. I couldn't text you, I was in the studio all day."

Studio? They are working on a new album? OH MY GOD I AM SCREAMING INSIDE?!

"Ohhhh. What were you recording?" I asked in the least creepy way as possible.

"We tried to record this new song for our new ep..." he paused, "I'll make you hear it, actually,"

Oh My God. What? Will he call me to the studio? Omg. Is that allowed? Can artists take their friends to studio? And they record naked! Holy shit.

"If you're free today... We can hang out... I have to attend this party..."

Michael Clifford naked? Omg. What if he's recording naked and I enter and wow. I wouldn't even be able to control myself. It would be so much fun. My mind could do wonders!

"...so I was thinking of taking you out? I mean, if you don't mind! And I could make you hear the song we recorded today, like, it's on my phone..."


"Andrea? Are you there?"

I snap into reality. Oh God. I'm such a deluded moron! He obviously wouldn't take me to the studio!

"Hey. Yeah, of course I'm free!" I fake a chuckle, "what time?"

"9:30PM, I'm thinking of going late, anyway!" he says, "Thank you so much!"

"Okayyy. Are you going to pick me up?" I ask casually.

"Yeah! I'll text you when I reach there," he says.

"See you, then!" I say cheerfully.

I'm not assuming anything but I do think he's taking me out on a date. Of course he is! I'm not a deluded moron here, OK? I'm going out on a date with Michael Clifford! This day just got better!

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now