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It wasn't my fault. It really wasn't my fault at all. I'm sure everyone would lie about dating Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds Of Summer when you're getting bullied and troubled about how much your life sucks. What I hadn't planned was, saying the same thing to my friends... who would say it to their friends....and those friends would say to other friends...and the entire friend cycle would turn into the entire school knowing that I'm dating Michael. It was all fun and games at first, I would know the latest news about 5sos (because I'm a fan, okay?) and tell them that Michael told me all of it and then it would come true and well, c'mon, it was so funny seeing all of them believe that I'm dating Michael Clifford. Lol, who would even believe that? Look at me.. (trash) and then look at him.. (diamond). But, OK. I would make fake texts and show it to them and I added Michael on facebook (OK, I made that account) and I would talk to them... and now, I'm in a huge mess. They think all of this is real and they want to meet Michael. Ugh, what's their problem? He's my boyfriend, isn't he? Why are they so fucking desperate? I've given so many excuses like... he's busy with practice, he's got fever, his head hurts from all the dying ((get it?)), he got measles...but they really really want to meet him. I could just go and tell them that it's all a lie, but I don't think I can own up to that, yes, I'm a liar and also a coward. So, basically, I don't know what to do. They're gonna find out somehow, but I still have to come up with an excuse. If I still want to be popular...if I still want to be in the good looks of my friends... if I still want to make Tristan (my crush) jealous.... Think Anderea, think.

"Sup!" Taylor greeted me as she sat down next to me in the cafeteria, all my friends had gone to get food and I was just being melancholic and overthinking about, my fake relationship with Michael, "Are you really gonna get Michael to the party on Friday?" she asked eagerly.

"I don't know," I sighed, "I told him and all..."

"What did he say?" She asked, her eyes like saucers.

"He's mad," I laughed nervously. Seriously, what am I even gonna say?

"Why?" Taylor looked offended, "He just came back from America and he blows up on you?"

Claire and Emma joined our conversation, "You know what?!" Emma exclaimed, "Samantha, the popular bitch, just asked to go to shopping with us!!!"

"Oh," Claire frowned, "She's only doing that because she knows Michael's rich and Michael will obviously give Andy his credit card and she just wants to come for the money,"

Oh God. What is this? Even if I were dating Michael I'd never take his money... except for buying chocolates...and a few dresses. OK, who could resist a really short cute dress when they're dating Michael Clifford? Like, I would have to work to match both our standards by wearing these royal clothes, right? Right! And probably even for pizza. I mean, he would anyway order pizza.. so of course! Other than that... OK maybe I would also use his money for buying books and go for concerts! OMG! I could go to concerts with him! How exciting! Other than that, I work, okay? I have my own money, Jesus.

"Andy?" Claire said and I looked up.

"I don't use Michael's money!" I laughed nervously, "I mean, that's kind of against my rules. I think I can buy a dress or two with my own money!"

"Exactly!" Taylor clapped her hands, "Respect to you, girl! I hate it when people think you're a gold digger,"

"What?" I was suddenly interested, "They think that?"

"Yeah," Emma is saying, "They think you're only dating Michael for his money, stupid!"

"I would never do that!" I said, being offended, "There are so many other qualities of his that I like!"

"Like what?" They asked curiously.

"Uh..." Gosh, they're so annoying sometimes, "Like, cuddling! And and.. kissing! And he's so caring, he sings me to sleep during periods!" Ha, nailed it!

"Awwwww," They blushed as if Michael was their boyfriend, "That's adorable,"

"Why is he mad, though?" Taylor asked.

Why does she have to remember everything?

"I think he just planned a weekend for us to be together, like, just the two of us. He's pretty mad about that," I said. Please believe me, please believe me, please believe me, please believe me,

"Aw, Michael," Emma says with puppy eyes, "It's okay, there's still a week to go, he'll calm down!"

"Or..." Taylor is thinking something for 4 seconds and then she says, "Or we could convince him!"

My eyes widen. What? What?

"I mean," She continues, "he'll obviously come to your place now that he's here and maybe we could come and meet him and convince him, what say?"

"YES!" Emma and Claire agree.

"NO!" I say, panicking, "No no no no no!"

"Why?" Emma frowns.

"I'll deal with it, OK? I mean, Michael doesn't like it when people interfere in our relationship crisis, you know? He likes us being...very...confidential. He still doesn't know that you guys know everything about us!" I give a fake laugh.

"Oh," Taylor's face drops, "boys," she rolls her eyes.

"I hope he comes though, like, he can't make you sad, right?" Emma winks, "Just imagine the drunk sex you guys could have later! Anyway, I know you'll convince him, I can't wait!"

Yeah. I can't wait either.. to fuck up, completely.

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now