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I loved hanging out with Taylor and Emma. They made me so happy, they understood everything about me. They just knew where I was coming from. Like, right now, I was talking about how cute and fluffy Michael's eyelids are, and.. they understood! They agree to it too, I think everyone agrees that Michael's eyelids are one of the cutest things ever! OK. I am right, you can't even argue. The thing is, they ask too much about Michael. Like, they want every little detail of our conversation, I mean... I know that's normal for friends, but it's so hard to lie, I'm running out of lies. WOW, that sounds horrible.

Sometimes I feel like I should just confess. I should confess that I've been lying these months, and that nothing like this ever happened and I met Michael only recently, but then I don't want to own up to all of that. I'm such a coward that I can't afford to lose all of this... everyone knows me now! I know Michael now. So.. well, isn't it balanced? Like, I lied before, but I'm not technically lying now? Gosh. I suck.

"Hey, by the way, I spoke to Terrance yesterday," Taylor is saying.

Ugh. Terrance. I keep forgetting about him.

"I saw him today! He was following me!" I say.

"He needs money, Andy, and he is so dangerous, you should stop messing with him," She says.

"I tried convincing him but he says he wants his money back in a week," Emma shrugs.

"That's not possible!" I say, "I just got a fucking job!"

"When are you parents sending you money?" Emma is asking.

"In two days, I actually asked mum to send it early this time," I say.

"Then that's cool! Just give him 200 pounds so he CALMS down, you know?" Taylor suggests.

"Yeah... but... I wanted to... gift Michael something," I say.

Emma shots me a glare, "You know Terrance, right? You know what he can do, right?"

"Yes," I sigh, "Fine, I'll give him that money,"

"Good, or I'd fucking hit you," Taylor says, "I can help with 50 pounds,"

"NO!" I say immediately, "I'm not taking YOUR money,"

"Why not?" Taylor looks offended, "We told you we'd help!"

"No... this is embarrassing, I'll manage, okay? Don't give me your money!"

"We want to help!" Emma says, "You've helped us so much too, and we KNOW why you took the money, please. We're not like that bitch who backfired you in the end,"

OK, this is true. She did backfire me, but what they don't know is I spent half of the money. I have a problem with spending. I can't keep a track of my expenses and I spend WAY too much.

"It'll be fine, Andy. Just give him some money for now, he'll wait," Emma smiles.

"I hope so.." I sigh.

"So when are we going to meet Michael?" Taylor asks excitedly, "Like when we're not drunk,"

Gosh, they just went from cute to annoying in a second

"Soon!" I flash a smile, "Real soon!"

Honestly, I don't even know how to make this happen. I've lied a lot and I'm sure Taylor and Emma are gonna ask every single thing to him, like.. I've even made up our damn fights! Ughh.. I'm such a hot freaking mess.

Samantha is walking towards me and she doesn't look too pleased. Is she mad at me about the party? I'm not sure, Michael and I were really nice to her, like... we didn't make it obvious that we don't like her.

"What's this?" Samantha throws the newspaper on our table.

"Newspaper?" Emma states the obvious.

"And a picture of her with Michael," Samantha mocks.

It's a picture of us standing outside McDonalds yesterday, ugh... did they HAVE to capture this? I look so bad. My hair's a mess and my lipstick is smudged.

"5sos have become really popular now," Taylor shrugs, "Doesn't surprise me,"

"Michael said he just got to know you?" Samantha is asking.

Oh no.

"He's obviously lying!" Taylor says, "he doesn't want to tell the fans that he's been dating her for so long, duh,"

"Yeah.." I laugh awkwardly.

"Whatever," Samantha rolls her eyes, "he sounds genuine, I don't think he'd play with fans like that,"

"He loves his fans!" I say, "he wouldn't want to hurt them by saying he's kept a secret for so long!" I lie.

Samantha doesn't look like she believes me. God. No. Please believe me.

She shakes her head, "you better not be playing with Michael and all of us,"

"Are you serious?" Emma looks offended, "Andy hates liars! She'd never lie. At least not to us. Right, Andy?"

"Uh.. of course!" I hesitate.

"And she's given enough proof that she is dating Michael," Taylor says, "And we anyway believe her,"

I have never felt so guilty. Samantha rolls her eyes and walks away, but I feel like shit. They believe me, they believe everything I've told them. Michael believes me. The entire school believes me. How could I be doing this? How could I be lying for so long? But... all this attention, all this attention on the internet, school, and even from Michael! I just... I just have to ignore the guilt. I have to suck it up. And I will stop lying from now on. I'll just be transparent like I was before making the entire 'I know Michael Clifford' shit. I have to. I take a deep breath and smile at my two best friends as we continue talking about Emma's eyeliner.

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now