♡Chapter fourty-six♡

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Craig's pov

I was the first to wake up which didn't surprise me since I was so used to waking up early anyways to go for my morning jogs.

I make myself a cup of fresh hot coffee before hearing movement from Chelsea's room. I cock my eyebrow in the direction of her room before the doors opens to reveal her wearing grey sweat pants and a pink tank top.

He sees me and gives me a tried smile making me chuckle. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I greet as she walks over to me and rests her head on my chest. "Morning." She mumbles. I take a sip from my cup as she pulls away and eyes the cup suspiciously.

"Want some?" I ask. She replies by nodding slowly making me giggle as I walk back into the kitchen to make her some coffee. Once done I walk into the living room and sit beside her and hand her the cup of coffee. She thanks me quietly before taking a sip from it then setting it on the table.

"Christmas is in two days, how do you feel?" She asks turning her head to me. I look to her and shrug before sipping from my coffee again. "Excited, you?" I ask. She hums before laying down and resting her head in my lap. I smile as I rub her upper arm with my free hand.

"Same." She mutters.

Suddenly the door to Tyler and Evan's room flies open as Tyler walks out with his phone pressed up against his ear. He speed walks over to the window and pulls apart the curtains and making all three of us gasp.

Chelsea and I get up quickly and make our way over to the window as Tyler walks into the kitchen, still on the phone with whoever.

Even though we were on the top floor you could still see how high the snow went too. The front doors were covered by snow along with most cars in the parking lot.

Tyler comes back into the room, this time not on the phone as he glances out the window over my shoulder.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask, turning my head back to look at Tyler. "I don't know, we're stuck that's for sure." I giggle as I lean back against him a bit and cross my arms.

"Anyone else got dejs a vu or just me?" I ask with a smirk. Tyler chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Yup." Tyler replies. Chelsea yawns as she steps back from the window.

"I'm gonna go lay back down, see you two later." She says before disappearing into the guest bedroom. I sigh as I look back out the window and take a sip from my coffee.

"I have an idea." Tyler suddenly says catching my attention as I look back at him. "What's that?" I ask, raising my eyebrow as he let's go of me and stands up straight. "Remember what we did when we were stuck in our school?" He asks. I giggle and turn around and nod. "We mostly just hung out in the library." I say. He smirks as he grabs my hand and leads me into his room and closes the door.

"Get changed I wanna go to the library." I giggle but do as he says and get changed quickly. I take a glance to his closest and seeing as he was in the bathroom I bolt for it and search for a hoodie. I end up finding a sweatshirt grey that had "Eastwood college" on the front of it. I shrug as I pull it over my head and straighten it out before smiling to myself.

I almost jump out of my own skin when Tyler's arms wrapped themselves around my waist. "What are you doing babe?" He growls in my ear sending vibrations throughout my body. "I hope you don't mind but I was cold." I say in a innocent tone. Tyler rolls his eyes as he let's go of me and walks over to his side of the room and grabs his phone, wallet and keys before coming back over to me and leading me out of the room.

I text Chelsea saying Tyler was showing me around before we left the dorm.

It was still early in the morning as most people were probably with their families or sleeping. It was only 8 am.

The halls were quiet to say the least, our footsteps echoed throughout the empty halls as we walk around aimlessly. He slips his hand into mine making me smile as I grip it tightly.

"And we're here." He says as we stop in front of the doors that lend into the library. It looked quite similar to the one at our old school which made me feel a bit sad but I shook off the feelings and opened the door and walked inside.

It was dark, the only source of light coming from the windows. Tyler shut the door behind him before joining me in the middle of the large room full of books.

"Whenver I miss you I come here and it helps." He says from behind me. I hum as I take a few steps forward, glancing around at the place.

"Wilde?" A new voice spoke. We turn to see a older man wearing a white button up dress shirt with black skinny Jean's. He had a cup of coffee in hand as he cocked his eyebrow at Tyler and I.

"Kim, sorry my friend and I were just wondering around." Tyler replies. The man known as Kim looks at me for a few seconds before his eyes widen slightly. "Aren't you the kid that got stuck with Tyler in Parkside?" I giggle as I walk to Tyler's side. "Y-yes I am." I reply shyly. He eyes the sweatshirt I was wearing making me feel slightly uncomfortable. Which I think Tyler could see.

"Say, I don't remember you coming here." He says. "I-I don't, I actually go to ACLA in California Los Angeles." I reply. His eyes widen as he steps forward and holds his hand out. "It's nice to meet you-" He pauses, waiting for me to say my name. "Craig." "Craig! You're a Thomspon aren't you? Gee I've heard such good things about your father, how's he doing anyways? Must be proud of you." Me smiles. The smile on my face fades instantly at the mention of my parents. "I don't know, I moved out when I was 16 and haven't talked to him since." I reply well taking my hand back.

His facial expression changes as he tilts his head a bit to the side. I glance to Tyler to see he was biting his bottom lip, seeing the muscles in his jaw working.

"I think Craig and I are gonna head back to my dorm now. See you later Kim." Before I could say anything Tyler had already guided me out of the library and started making our way back to the dorm.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asks as we step into the dorm once again. I shrug as I look to the ground and lean against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest. Tyler closes and locks the door before coming over to me. He opens his arms for me making me smile a bit as I walk forward, crashing into him and wrapping my arms around his stomach as he wraps his around my shoulders.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asks sweetly. I only respond by nodding my head as he let's out a sigh and kisses the side of my head. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't think he'd bring up your parents like that." He says. I pull away from him a bit so I could look at him. "It's no one's fault Ty, don't go blaming yourself there was nothing you could do about that." I speak quietly. My voice slightly husky from holding back tears.

"Can we go sit on the couch or something? I feel my legs are about to give out from under me." I ask. "Of course." Tyler smiles as we walk into the living room.

I fall back into the couch as Tyler sits beside me. I lay down and stare out into space before being brought back when Tyler lays behind me and wraps his arms around my torso. I stare at the ring on my finger and smile before turning around to face Tyler.

I lean forward and kiss him softly. He kisses back before pulling back and resting his head against mine. "Thanks for making sure I was okay." I whisper making him chuckle. "No problem, last time you got mad and blamed yourself so no way in hell am I letting that happen again." I giggle at the memory as I interlock my fingers with his.

I suddenly yawn making Tyler yawn moments later. I giggle tiredly as he pulls me closer to him. "Let's nap, it's not like we can do anything else." He mutters. I agree as he sits up slightly and grabs a blanket and throwing it over us so it covered both our bodies. I giggle as I settle in his arms and relax.

"I love you." He whispers well planting a kiss to my forehead. "I love you too." I say before drifting off into a deep slaber)

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