♡Chapter one♡

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Craig's POV

"Guys I gotta go pee!" I yelled well running back into the school. "Seriously Craig?! We're gonna miss our flight if you don't hurry your ass up!" Jonathan shouted over to me as I ran into the school, my school bag hung over my shoulder. "Wait! Do you want us to wait for you?!" Brock yells out. I stop and look back at them. "No! Go without me! I'll catch up!" I yelled back. "Okay!" Was all I heard before opening the front doors and running in, going as fast as I could cause I really had to go.

I washed my hands well humming a little tune in my head, bobbing my head to the imaginary beat.

That's when the lights went out, causing me to yelp and splash water everywhere. "Guys? I-it's not funny, come on out!" I shouted, hoping to God it was the two messing with me. But no one replied. I started to grow worried and walked out of the men's bathroom to see the halls engulfed in darkness, making my body quiver slightly.

"Hello!?" I yelled out. Oh god please don't tell me this is happening. I ran around the school, going to every door and trying my hardest to open it. Shaking it violently then going to the next. My breathing becoming quick and my knees feeling weak.

By now I had searched the whole school, not a soul to be found nor a door to be unlocked. "O-oh my f-fucking god." I stuttered. I finally give up and slid down the front doors of the school, hugging myself in a way to keep my body warm as it was literally the middle of winter.

I started shaking as the temperature dropped, never did I think I would be spending my spring break being stuck, inside my own damn school. If you asked me a week ago that this would be happening I probably would have peed outside, honestly.

Wait, my bag! I still have my bag!

I pulled the bag over my shoulder into my lap and unzipped it, going through the little things I brought with me. Luckily, though, I brought all my money with me, which was about five hundred dollars. I know, big flex.

I had my lunch from earlier today that I didn't eat, as I didn't really like to eat around other people. I just hate when people watch me eat, it's always been something that bugs me.

I placed the little bag beside me and searched deeper into the bag. I had a few romance novels, a notebook, pencils, all the basics one would need for school. I sigh and put the bag beside me, hitting my head back against the glass.

"You know, that's not good for your head. Right?"

A new voice spoke causing me to yelp. I look in front of me to see none other then Tyler Wilde.

You may be asking why this man is such a big deal, so I'll fill ya in.

Tyler Wilde is one of the most popular kids in this school if not the most popular kid. He's the quarterback on the football team and he's super fucking hot.

"Hello?" He waves his hand In front of my face making me jump a little. I finally lock eyes with him and begin spacing out again.

"Hey! Kid stop spacing out it's creepy." He waves his hands in my face again, I shake my head and get up. Dusting myself off and grabbing my bag from the ground and straightening my posture.

He had about 5 or 6 inches on me, but I'm a pretty small ladd and I've come to terms with that. (me too Craig:/) He looked down at me as I moved my head up at him. His eyes were a beautiful icy blue, his lips were a slight pink color, his hair the littlest bit messy but it gave him that cute look. I blush as he looks me up and down, probably about to start calling me names like everyone else does, kinda sad that even though they put posters up about it and do a stupid assembly every year they still don't listen.

Why can't they accept gay people?

I felt my slight happy mood slip away, my lips forming a frown.

"What's your name, kid?" It offended me that he called me that, I'm in the same grade as he is. But he doesn't know that so I can't get mad.

"Craig, my name is Craig. I'm also in the same grade as you so please do not refer to me as kid." He smirked down at me and leans down, so his face was level with mine. "I haven't seen you around in any of my classes, Craig. You sure you're in my grade? You seem quite small to be in grade 12." He chuckled near the end as I rolled my eyes. "You're just to busy sucking lips with Kelly to notice anything." He chuckles at my remark as I walk past him, not really sure where I was going but I needed to get away from him

"Hey! Where you going?!" Tyler yells from behind me but I ignore him completely and turn a corner, leading into a different hallway full of lockers. My locker to be exact.

I walk over to it and quickly put in the numbers and open it, seeing all the textbooks neatly settled on the little shelf I had. "What you doing?" Tyler asks as he leans against the locker beside mine. "Grabbing some things, since we're gonna be here for awhile." I replied well shutting my locker, Switchimg the number so it locked.

"Wait! I think I know you! You're the guy Jonathan and Brock hang out with!" Tyler exclaims as we turn a corner. "Oh wow good for you for figuring out the obvious." He snorted at my response. "Evan never stops talking about how he wants to talk to Jon, and Brian never stops talking about Brock." This seemed to catch my attention as I stop and turn my head to look at Tyler. "What do you mean? Is that supposed to be a good thing?" I raise an eyebrow at him as he chuckles and crosses his arms. "It's whatever you want it to be." He winks at the end making me gag. As much of a hotty this guy was he wasn't the nicest. He used girls for their bodies and bullied them afterwards as if he never slept with them. I know this because I'm friends with one of them, her name is Sally. She's a pretty girl with short blonde hair and pretty bright blue eyes, she always seemed to be positive but after what Tyler did to her she changed. She seems depressed now and won't talk to many people. Poor thing.

I started walking towards the schools library, leaving him behind. "I'm only trying to be nice, kid." I swear I turned around so fast my bag probably would have went flying if I hadn't been holding it so tightly. "Tyler, I know what you've done. For that I will not respect you." I take a deep breath and turn around, continuing my walk to the library to where I can hopefully get some sleep.

Tyler surprisely doesn't say anything else and just follows me.


I turn the knob and to my surprise it opens. I smile to myself and walk in, it was quite dark so I grabbed my phone and turned the flash on, shining it around the huge library. I walk slowly in, not bothering to hold the door for Tyler. "Ow! What the fuck?" Tyler shouts. I turn around raising my eyebrows to see Tyler rubbing the side of his head and groaning. I cover my mouth and giggle softly causing him to look up at me. I remove my hand from my mouth and smile at him. "You should smile more often, it suits you." I blush but my smile fades as I see what he's trying to do. "Leave it Tyler, I ain't falling for your shit." Tyler seems surprised by my words as he widens his eyes a bit. "Who said I was trying anything?" I roll my eyes and walk away from him, going to find somewhere to sleep.

I end up finding the 'living area' of the library and begin making my setup for the night. "There's only one couch." Tyler speaks from behind me. I turn and cross my arms, giving him the look of 'I don't care'.

"Sleep on the floor." I reply well turning back around and continuing to set my makeshift bed up. "Whatever." Tyler replies well dropping himself on the floor and laying down. When finished I sit down and look to see Tyler laying on the ground, shivering slightly at the temperature. I suddenly felt bad for him and grabbed my jacket and placed it over him. He moves his head slightly and smiles at me, I smile back and go back to my spot on the couch, laying down and rolling around a few times before falling asleep.

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