♡Chapter thirty-one♡

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Tyler's pov

*one month later*

Turns out that Evan and I were going to be going to the same college, which was the best because I've known Evan basically my whole life. Brian had gotten accepted into a cooking school about an hour away. We all made fun of him (only joking) but were proud of him. Lui was apparently starting a youtube channel of some sort which I didn't quite understand but we let him do whatever. Jonathan and Brock got accepted into a school for tech and shit about two hours away.

That Leaves Craig to himself.

He had to move in August, since he was moving to LA from all the way here it would take some time. He was super sad about leaving the others after so long of being together but we all told him he had too, for us.

It's been hard, especially now because days seem to be getting shorter and shorter even though they're actually getting longer as it slowly turned into summer.

Craig would spend most of his time sitting out on the balcony staring up at the stars for many hours of the night until I told him to come back to bed with me.

School wasn't so stressful, surprisely. In about a week the school was hosting a award ceremony and we all got invited to it meaning we won some sort of award but they wouldn't tell us until our names were called.

There was only a month left of school until we graduated, Craig was counting down the days on his calendar he had in the kitchen. He kept it on the fridge and drew an X for each day that has gone by. I honestly found it quite cute.


"Craig?" I call out but get no reply. Sighing, I walk over to the door leading out onto the balcony and open it.

There, lay Craig on the bench looking out into the city.

"I'm gonna miss this place, even though it made me go through hell it's where I met you and the guys." He says. I close the door and walk over to him, I grab his ankles and lift them then sit down where they were and place them on my lap.

"What's gonna happen with us?" Craig asks suddenly. I turn my head over to him to see he was still looking out. "Nothing is, we're gonna stay together. I'll save up a butch of money and visit you as much as I can." I reply. He sighs heavily before turning his body so he was now facing upwards.

"This is all happening to fast." He says. I chuckle. "You can say that again." He chuckles himself before grabbing my hand and holding it firmly in his. "You won't leave me, right?" He says, now looking at me instead of the city. "I would never dream of it." I smirk. Craig seems to get what I was quoting and smirks himself. "You're stealing my lines man." He says while giggling and moving his arm over his eyes. "You do it to me all the time." He giggles and smiles. "You got me there." I chuckle and grip his hand slightly.

I was still wearing my work clothes as I just got back, it didn't surprise me that Craig was still up. He always stayed up late now, always so stressed about moving to a different city let alone a different state. I can't imagine how hard this is for him, that's why I always try to be as supportive as I can. Even though it pains me that I'll have to let him go in just over two months I want him to succeed.

"We should get to bed." I say. Craig hums in response but neither of make any effort to move from our places on the bench. "It's the weekend though." Craig points out. "Still, we need sleep." I tell him. He let's out a loud annoyed groan but sits up and removes his legs from my lap.

"Carry me." He demands. I roll my eyes playfully before picking him up bridal style and going back into our apartment.


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