♡Chapter twenty♡

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Craig's POV (thanks for 800 views, love you guys:3)

"You sure you'll be okay on your own? I can stay if you want-" I press my finger against his lip, silencely him. "Don't worry about it Ty, I'll be fine and if I need you I'll call okay?" He smiles and nods. "Okay now get, Evan's waiting out front." I tell him. He chuckles and grabs his bag.

Just as he was about to walk out the door he stops and turns around, I cock my eyebrow at him but yelp slightly when his lips smash into mine. I back up a bit and giggle into the kiss before Tyler pulls away. "I love you." He says. I blush and hug him. "I love you too, now go." I push him out the door then close it and lean against it. A weekend without Tyler, what am I gonna do?


"So it's just you this weekend then?" Jonathan asks as we walk out of starbucks. Also I forgot to mention that I told Jonathan I live alone, yeah we don't need to go into detail about that.

"Yeah, basically." I reply as we start walking down the sidewalk. "What are you gonna do with yourself?" He asks. I think about it for a second before turning my head to him. "Honestly no fucking idea." We both laugh.

"We should go shopping." Jonathan suddenly says making me turn to him and raise my eyebrow. "I have like, no money." I reply well taking a sip from my drink. "I'll pay." My eyes widen a bit as I look at him. "Dude no, you don't have too." He giggles and waves his hand at me. "Nonsense, I have lots of money Craig. But please, maybe we'll find something to make our boyfriends go crazy." He leans up close to me making me giggle. "Fine." I roll my eyes as he jumps up and down slightly as we walk down the street.


"You seem to look good in orange so try this." Jonathan says as he pushes a orange flannel into my chest. I chuckle and do as he tells me.

The flannel he gave me was orange with black and white stripes. I thought it looked quite cute.

I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror, my jaw dropped from how amazing it looked on me. It fit perfectly, like it was made for me or something. "Come out already!" Jonathan shouts from outside the changing room. I roll my eyes and open the door. His eyes go wide once they settle on me making me giggle. "I'm buying it." He says. I knew there wasn't a point in arguing with him so I let it go and walked back into the changing room to change back into my normal clothes.


"See you later." I say as I close the door and lock it. I sigh to myself before making my way into the living room where all my things laid. Might as well get some work done as there is literally nothing else to do.

I plump down on the couch and begin tapping away at the keyboard.



I read the word carefully, scanning it over and over again.

"When one feels unhappy or uncomfortable."

I look down to the next word.


I hum as I begin typing again.

"When one has lost their confidence or hope; disheartened."

Is it just me or do all these words seem to be kinda sad?


I roll my eyes and start typing again.

"When one feels humiliated or distressed
Caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior."

This is starting to make me feel weird.


Here we go again.

"When one feels intensely pained."

My eyes widen at the next one.


My hands started shaking, my bottom lip began to quiver. Why was I doing this? It's only a word, It can't hurt me physically or mentally, so why am I acting like this?

I bring my shaking hands back to the keyboard and start typing.

"When one feels depressed or unhappy and will most likely commit suicide.."

I let out a breath I unknowingly held in and lent back into the couch. What's going on? It's a fucking word calm the hell down Craig.


I thought I was okay...

I was okay...

I was getting better....

I swear I was....

I thought this feeling was gone.... why is it still here? Why is it back?.. I want it to go... I need it to go...

Leave me alone, please...

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