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Each step he radiated with malicious energy.

He kept toward me till we were chest to chest with each other. He looked me in the eyes, his red ones looking into the emerald green windows to my pitch soul.

I could then feel Izuku, pulling on my hand from behind me, whispering, "Pandora, please. Don't provoke him."

"Even your own classmates and friends are scared of you. You and your villainous personality. Do it. Kill me." I whispered into his chest, looking him in the eye and then breaking contact away.

As my eyes landed on his chest, his hand gripped my throat. He squeezed, blocking my only passage of air. My hands shot up to his, attempting to pry his off. But my attempts were futile.

I heard Tomura mumble something, but I couldn't hear. I was so focused on trying to breathe.

It felt like hours before he jerked around a bit, then threw me to the ground. I gasped and wheezed. My throat was on fire. Not in the good way like a fresh glass of whiskey or bourbon. It was like trying to swallow a rock while having an allergic reaction.

My vision was blurry but I could see a mess of green and red on the ground, to my side and behind me.

My eyes cleared but my throat still hurt.

"I'm better than you!"

"Are you sure. You've nearly killed, not one but, two innocent bystanders."

"Hardly! They're traitors, villains! I was never going to kill either of them!"

I got up, hunched over. I looked past myself to see the mop of green and red had become defined. Midoriya was lying face first in a puddle of his own blood.

I panicked and crawled to his side. His back was moving, indicating he was still breathing. I rolled him onto his back. The sight I was greeted with was horrifying.

As he looked me in the eyes I sensed something foreign to him. He chocked on his own laughter. Blood trekked down his face, marring it, covering his features.

"Izu? Are you okay?" I whispered.

He stopped laughing and looked at me solemnly. His hand reached for my face. His thumb brushed my bangs away, then trailed to my neck. He felt the bruises that formed on my neck.

"I'm fine, but what he did to you is unacceptable."

He pushed himself to his feet before I could comprehend what he was doing.

"Kaachan~" I whipped my head around to view him walking to Bakugo.

"Kaachan. Maybe you should take a swan dive off the roof and you come back a better person. What you did want very nice. Hurting a helpless little girl. Very villainous."

"Huh? What are you going on about nerd." Bakugo scowled.

Izuku approached him, backing him into a wall. Tomura was so focused on what was in front of him, it was my chance. I could kill him and be rid of this horrid life. One last kill to end all my future sins.


What is Izuku doing? The way he's carrying himself, unevenly balanced. He hit his head really bad. That's why his entire persona changed so rapidly. He's going to hurt Bakugo, maybe even kill him. Izuku doesn't need that blood on his hands. Even if he never gets his head on straight.

'Knock knock' a loud banging noise came from the door that led to the outside.

"Pizza delivery!"

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