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She pulled the dirty cloth off her body.

She transformed into a large, black panther. She held the cloth in her mouth and sprinted to the wash room.

She put the sweater in the washer and pawed at the knobs. Dread washed over her as she realized that she would be unable to start the washing machine in her current form.

She, reluctantly, transformed in a cloud of smoke. The bare girl stood in front of the machine. She was freezing, the air around her was cold as ice. She pushed the knob in, turning it to the small wash, and pulling in out again.

The washer didn't start.

This is just great! It's freezing cold and the stupid block of tin won't work!

"Ughhhhhh!" I shouted.

In a fit of anger I kicked the base of the machine. Immediately I regretted my actions. A sharp pain jolted up my leg. I began hopping up and down on one leg, holding my other one in my hands.

A click was heard and the machine began filling up with water.


After a shower and laying in the sun, in my feline form, my hoodie was finally clean.

I slipped it on along with a pair of sweat pants. But my black undershirt was ripped to shreds, between me shifting while wearing it and the entrance exam.

After getting dressed I decided I probably needed to check the mail. Not like we ever get anything though.

"Good evenin' Pandora." A gruff man said.

He stood behind the counter, he had a thick, brown beard and mustache but his head was bald. He looked intimidating but he was a big, gooy, baby when it comes to kids.

"Evening, Mr. Chu." I replied.

I slightly waved my hand at him. I took the inbox key out of my pocket and put it in the lock.

"Any mail today?" He questioned.

He asked every time. It doesn't make sense, seeing as he is the one who organizes the letters into the inboxes.

The lock clicked and revealed a dark hole. I turned back to look at his face. It held an expression of smugness. He smirked at me as I smiled back to him. I looked back at the cabinets of metal and dipped down the see inside mine.

Inside was the faint outline of an envelope. I reached my arm into the box to retrieve the mail. I stood and looked questionably at Mr.Chu.

"Well! Why didn't you say anything about wanting to be a pro-hero?" He asked excitingly.

"It was a last minute type thing." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.


"Well what?"

"Did you get in?"

"I don't know." I said simply.

I held the letter in my hand, and tossed it onto his counter. He looked at me startled.

"You know it's illegal for me to open other people's mail..." he chuckled.

"Like I care. Open it." I said.

He sighed and gave up. He pulled out a letter opener and cut the seal. He pulled a small, silver disc from the envelope. He pressed the button on the disc and a blue hologram lit up. The hologram showed the pro hero: All Might.

"Pandora Bokkusu! It is with great pleasure that I inform you that you have been accepted into UA's Hero Course!" He boasted.
"You will begin classes in August! See you then! Plus Ultra!"

He ended the holographic message and once again there laid the small disc.

"Good job, Pandora!" He walked around the corner and gave me a great, big hug. "Your folks oughta' be proud."

I hummed in reply and dreaded this up coming year.

"Go. Go tell your folks."

After I got back to the bar I saw that everyone was there. Well, Tomura and Kurogiri. But that's about everyone I know besides Mr.Chu.

"I start hero course classes in August."

Tomura chuckled but didn't comment.

Kurogiri looked at me, probably because I always have a look on my face when I know something else.

"All Might is going to be a teacher." I said looking down.

Tomura suddenly snapped from his trance.

"Perfect!" He screeched.

Immediately he began coming with another plan. Mumbling under his breath. Scratching at his skin.

"You haven't come out of your room for three days, are you hungry?" Kurogiri asked.

"Three days!" I exclaimed.

That explains why I smelt so bad. I'm starving.

"Just give it to me I'm going to sleep." I said, slightly demanding.

"No." Tomura began, "No, no, no. Your going to train. Every for the next few months." He demanded.

I stared at him, trying to get him to change his mind some way or another. But no such luck. His eyes were wide, filled with insanity and bloodlust.

"Ughhhhh." I gave up, slouching and moving sluggishly.

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