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Quirk assessment test.

It'll help us understand where in this class we stand. Whosever at the top has the most power, above the others. And, whoever is at the bottom is a weakling. They will have the hardest time accomplishing any achievement over another person.

"And, whoever is in last place will be expelled." Professor Azawia added.

A few of the students began panicking and mumbling nervously. Particularly a certain green haired mess. He seemed extremely nervous and concerned.

But after seeing him pull off that powerful blow at the entrance exam, I'm surprised he is nervous. He did seem like a nervous person when he was mumbling, following me to the entrance exam. I'm also surprised that he is still alive after having fallen from the sky.

"You can't send us home yet! It's the first day, that isn't fair!" A brown haired girl worried.

A darkness spread over professor Azawia's face.

"You think natural disasters, power-hungry villains, or catastrophic disasters that wipe out cities are? No. The world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job the counter that unfairness."

He makes a good point about the unfairness.

"If you want to be a Pro your going to have push your limits to the brink. These next three years of UA will toss one terrible hardship right after the last. Go beyond. Plus Ultra style. Prove that it isn't a waste that you're here."

What a pep-talk that was. It was all logical though. The world is unfair. Men were not created equal. Weak people don't need to try and be heroes. They'll only end up in the way, dead, or killing others. It would be unfair to others to have to drag around a dead weight.

It's the same for the League. If you are incompetent and can't pull your weight, your dead. No if, ands, or buts. It's survival of the fittest. If you don't have the power, discipline, and drive you might as well jump of a bridge to the rushing waters below. If you haven't got it, there is no need in trying to, it's best for them to remain sheep. Let the others be dogs and flock keepers.

I won't let myself become a sheep to be slaughtered by the flock keeper. I'll be the dog who kills the flock keeper and leads the flock home. Even if I'm not able to on my own, I support the pack.

"Enough wasting precious time."

First was the 50 meter dash.

Students lined up at the start line. Unsure of the order we were going in, I was up against the blue haired boy with glasses. This was definitely his type of contest. He had pipes sticking out of his calves. I can only assume his quirk had to do with speed.

On my other side was a frog like girl.

Assuming it didn't matter. I transformed into my feline form. The gym uniform was, thankfully, large enough that is didn't rip.

The sweat pants hung around my feline waist, the legs scrunched up at my paws. My shirt was dragging the ground along with the edges of my jacket. My tail was tucked in the pants. It was probably the only thing keeping my pants up but it was sturdy.

I got in position. My back legs in a semi stretched position. My front legs were tucked beneath me. My head was low, as I looked to examine the others.


We took off in a flash. In fluid motions, my hind legs would push me forward and up. My front paws tucked, then stretched in front. They pushed me forward and my hind paws came in front of them. Once again they launched me forward and up. I repeated the process.

I finished at 4.5 seconds. Not too bad. The engine boy, now known as Tenya Iida, by the other kids, had a time of 3.04 seconds.

"Woah!" Some of the students gawked.

The girl who got lectured on unfairness came up to me. Beside her was the same, green haired boy.

Before wondering why, I was still in my feline form. I had moved from the finish line to the group of students waiting to go.

"Wow! So your quirk is being able to turn into a cat?" She asked in awe.

Unable to talk, I dipped my head down. Her face lit up with excitement.

"And you look so cute! Your a little cat wearing your gym uniform." She cooed.

She brought her hand above my head, as if she were going to pet me. I let out a low, growl like purr. Along with it I flashed my large, white teeth.

She retracted her hand and held it to her chest.

"I guess I should've asked it it was ok..." She spoke.

The green haired boy also looked taken back.

"Your Bokkusu, right? I walked with you to the entrance exam!"

I closed my eyes lazily. In a puff of smoke I returned to my human form.

"Yea. I kicked you into the dirt and tried to get you to leave me alone."

He quickly looked down to the side and began rubbing the back of his neck.

"On top of that you stood at the door in homeroom, scared to death to even come inside. During the entrance exam when you fell from the sky I was sure you were going to die." I looked at him blankly.

"I thought I was going to, too." He added, still not looking up from the ground.

"That's how we met! Sorta." The girl said excitedly.

I was sitting on the ground, my legs pulled up to my chest. They were hovering over me. My neck started hurting from looking up up at them.

A couple others were looking over at us. They whispered to each other. Quietly, I couldn't hear them.

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