Chapter 18

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We rode beside the pile of flaming bodies and climbed off the horses. We searched around for any sign of the hobbits but found something. Gimli walked over and picked something up for the pile, "It's one of their wee belts." Legolas started saying a prayer in elvish and I closed my eyes. Aragorn slowly started walking then kicked a helmet and shouted, falling to his knees. I walked over to Legolas and rested me head of his chest. "We failed them." I said with sorrow. "A hobbit lay here." I turned to look at Aragorn who was staring at the ground. He started following a trail. "And the other. They crawled." He moved forward a few feet, "Their hands were bound." He picked up a rope, "Their bonds were cut." We slept followed Aragorn as he kept moving. "They ran over here. They were followed." Aragorn picked his pace up to a run. "Tracks lead away from the battle." We stopped in front of the forest's edge and j frowned. "Into the Fangorn Forest." "Fangorn? What madness drive them in there?" Gimli mumbled. I walked into the trees and soon heard the footsteps of three following me.
Gimli dabbed his finger info the black gooey substance on a leaf. He stuck it in his moth but spat it out in disgust, "Orc blood." We hopped over a stream and walked deeper into the forest. I knelt down and touched the ground, "These are strange tracks." "Air is so close in here." Gimli said. "This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory..." I cut Legolas off, "And anger."

The trees started groaning and creaking, "The trees are speaking to each other. Gimli. Lower your axe." I said and he did so. The trees went silent once more. "They have feelings, my friend. The elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak." Legolas said as I stood next to him. "Talking trees," Gimli mumbled, "What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings." I giggled quietly.

"Aragorn, something's out there." Legolas spoke in elvish. I ran over to a rock and hopped up, peering over the forest. "What do you see?" Aragorn asked me in elvish. I was silent for a moment before speaking, "The White Wizard approaches." We all moved closer to one another as Aragon started to whisper, "Do not let him speak, for he will put a spell on us. We must be quick." Legolas and I got our bows ready while Aragorn and Gimli pulled out their sword and axe. We all spin around to face a bright light. Legolas and I shy our arrows but they rebounded to the ground beneath us. Gimli threw his axe but it shattered into a million pieces. I went to grab my sword but the hilt turned red from heat, along with Aragorn's, which cause us to drop them. "You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits." The White Wizard spoke. His voice sounded slightly familiar but I shrugged it off. "Where are they?" I demanded. "They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" Aragorn furrowed his eyebrows, "Who are you?" "Show yourself!" I yelled. The white light slowly faded and an all to familiar figure stepped forward. But that is impossible.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now