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"You know what your problem is?" An exceedingly gorgeous bartender, employed by a notoriously dodgy bar, smirked.

"And what's that?" His blonde customer smiled cunningly in return, holding the edge of his small glass and sloshing the powerful alcohol within it gently.

The lights were dim, only a few lampshades hanging overhead producing orange light that poured out over the large space. The bar was rustic themed by nature, the vibe 'chilling' purposely.

Na Jaemin, a boy who tended to claim he had 'no soul', sat with a listless expression across from the other man, engaging in pointless conversation for the sake of passing time. He made many acquaintances wherever he went, never settling in one place for too long. A free spirit, by any other name.

"You're bored," the other hummed, pouring another glass of burning alcohol for him and tilting his head as he retracted the bottle. "I know who you are, young man. And I hope you're aware of where you are."

The younger winked flirtatiously, downing the drink in one without even flinching. "Well, I know who you are as well, Wong Yukhei. And yes, I'm well aware of where I am."

The older flinched, eyes widening, "How-"

"Name-tag," Jaemin lazily pointed towards the metal badge pinned to the man's uniform.

Lucas sighed, cocking his head to the side before eliciting a strained chuckle. "You should probably leave tonight. I know a certain someone who would love to slit your throat."

The blonde blinked innocently, completely unfazed by the reward he carried on his pretty little head. "I guess I'll be avoiding him then, won't I?"

The bartender tapped his finger agitatedly off the counter, standing in a false relaxed position, though completely on edge when in the presence of this young adult. "Nana, what are you doing back here? Seriously? This isn't your home anymore....."

Jaemin pursed his lips to suppress a scoff, "You can take the boy from his home, but you can't take the home from the boy. This was my territory once."

"And you abandoned it. You don't belong here!" The older hissed. Lucas was actually one of the remaining 'original' members of the mafia group 'Jupiter', and one of the last links to what was known as 'the betrayal'. An occurrence from the past that Jupiter would never forget.

"Listen," Jaemin sighed, lacing his fingers together and cracking out the joints, "I'm aware you're just a loyal member of our local mafia gang," he paused, tracing his tongue over his lower lip and shifting his carefree expression into an intimidating one of dead-seriousness in less than a second, "So thank you for the warning. But I don't take orders, and I'm sure you know that. Remind me, what was your criminal name?"

Yukhei pursed his lips together with contempt, feeling his nails scratch dangerously against the wood of the bar, knowing he could never win against this boy in anything. "Lucas. You may remember me."

"Mmm, rings a bell," the younger stated calmly, only taking notice of specific member names that had mattered to him back in the day. He thoughtfully tapped his chin with a snide smile, "You were close to Mark back then, weren't you?"

Lucas exhaled roughly and slammed his hand down on the surface. "Wanna play? 'Cause I'm more than ready to play...."

Jaemin gracefully stood from his stool, flicking a curled strand of his hair from his face and shaking his head. "Playing is tiresome. Mark was always terrible at it, since he was a sore loser on a good day. Anyway, what's your new leader's name?"

"Like hell I'd tell you. I'm not as fickle as a certain outlaw."

"Oh dear, you're going to be that way," the blonde muttered dryly, pulling his leather jacket off the back of the stool and sliding it over his arms. "That's fine. I'll learn it through other means."

Lucas watched bitterly as the well-known twenty-two year old waved over his shoulder and sashayed out of the eery bar, leaving behind an attractive smell and the darkest aura one could possibly handle. Even criminals knew what lines to cross and which not to cross.....Na Jaemin being one of the latter.

I need to report back to him about this, the bartender rubbed his exhausted eyes frustratedly, imagining the uproar the news would cause if it spilled the wrong way.

Jaemin hadn't been back here since he left, which was a long three years ago. Each passing day had been a struggle until Jupiter's problems had been solved by someone who had the utmost respect from everyone.

The new leader had certainly made quite the impact in the world of criminals, and was well loved by those who only knew of him as 'a play school carer'.

Lucas ripped his apron off and slung it to the side, swiping his phone from under the countertop where he kept it hidden, and flicking through his various contacts.

For the first time in three years, he felt scared. Threatened, even. The routine and pathetic sense of peace that had settled over the city was sure to be disturbed now that Jaemin had come 'home'.

But this wasn't his home anymore.

He knew that.

Everyone knew that.

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Well, welcome to my new mafia fan fiction. It'll be a new experiment for me to write, and hopefully a bit of fun for you guys to read~

Thanks for giving it a go, guys! I appreciate you all...

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