𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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Ugh, wattpad deleted the second half of this chapter while I was writing it and I'm LIVID I tell you!

Ugh, wattpad deleted the second half of this chapter while I was writing it and I'm LIVID I tell you!

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"Self destruct sequence initiated. Seven minutes," the woman's automated voice haunted the blonde as he sprinted gracefully through the old and abandoned base. The halls smelled of mould, neglect and blood, much like they had when everyone decided it was time to let it go. His boots thundering against the worn, carpeted floor was the only sound to accompany his quick breaths and hammering heart.

Jaemin couldn't believe he was actually doing this.

"I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead," he started to chant as he skidded around a corner and picked up the speed yet again. Stairs appeared down the hall and he took no time in hopping up onto the banister to slide down into the darkness, listening to the sound of arrows whizzing past down the centre for unprepared thieves.

Luckily, Jaemin amounted to a little more than a thief on this occasion, as he was merely taking back what had always been his. The stairwell ended as quickly as it had appeared and soon the outlaw was slowing off to walk through the shadows carefully, finding the door he knew was here. It smelled even worse down this far, like rat piss as well.

The wall met his outstretched hands and he felt along it's cold surface until the sensation of a doorknob interrupted the journey. Twisting it with one harsh snap, he broke the worn lock and kicked the whole thing down.

"Six minutes."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you," he sighed, wandering into the infamous Jupiter Crypt and allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. A few cement boxes holding various 'respectable' corpses were dotted here and there, confusing him for a moment as to which one was Mark's. God, where was he buried again?

The names weren't faded or anything, but the lack of light definitely made life difficult to discern who was who. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on, thankful for his habit of shutting it down after use, or else the damn thing would've died while stuck with Renjun. The flashlight was weak as hell, but enough to live with.

"Five minutes."

"Let's see...." he hummed, stepping up to the first one in front of him amidst the maze, "Whoops, Nakamoto Yuta. Sorry Bro, that was an accident." He patted the stone apologetically before moving on and looking to the next one. Some of these weren't even people he remembered, probably friends of Lord and Duchess from when they were leaders. He found younger deceased members mixed with older ones, cringing when he crossed another accidental death on his behalf; Liu YangYang. They were training together and the knife.....slipped. He'd only been fifteen, which was a massive pity - possibly the reason he was buried here in the first place.

𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰; nahyuck Where stories live. Discover now